You can win up to $1,000!
Missoula In Motion is seeking nominations for the 2010 Transportation Best Practices Award.
Nominate your employer, business or organization for the 2010 Transportation Best Practices Award!
The Transportation Best Practices Award aims at telling the stories and showcasing Missoula businesses and organizations that have chosen to turn the "daily grind" of getting around town into something more positive for their customers and employees. These organizations have implemented innovative,
sustainable programs and policies that save money, reduce emissions, ease traffic congestion, alleviate parking pressure and improve the health of their employees/customers.
The award showcases how their program helps improve transportation within our community by supporting and encouraging the use of sustainable transportation. New this year, the three category award winners will each receive a cash award and one will be selected as the Grand Champion to be featured in
local media and receive additional funds to enhance their transportation programs. Please nominate your business or organization!
For more information, follow this link:
Missoula In Motion
127 W. Spruce
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 258-4962