We still have a few places on our Edible Ecosystem Design
Course where we'll be exploring how to create landscapes of nourishing foods, beautiful spaces and enriched biodiversity. We'll be learning from our established gardens including a market garden, orchards and eleven year old forest gardens.
The course balances hands on practical activity and design exercises with essential theory and includes field trips to the beautiful surrounding countryside of the Central Balkan mountains.
This course is perfect if you’re thinking to start growing, want to develop a market garden or small farm or would like to develop an existing
project. So whether you are new to growing or a seasoned grower, we are sure you will enjoy this unique approach!
Nestled on the southern slopes of the mountains surrounded by beautiful wildlife with incredible biodiversity. You can expect an unforgettable
experience, delicious food , and wonderful company!
Want to learn how to create edible ecosystems?
Dates: June 16-23 2016
Course fee €220
Accommodation and food: from €105
Click below for more info
Looking forward to it !
Balkep Team