Sounds, Samples and Songs:
Tuning New Mythology with
Permaculture, Transition and Nature. eBook 29.
By Willi Paul,
Download Book:
+Prelude Song
+ Introduction
+ Sound Studies
+ Video Scapes / Sonic Alchemy / New Myths / Sound Cartoons & Comics
From the Introduction:
Writing about visioning with sound samples is best equated to chasing after the wind. I do not know where to begin and end. I insist that my approach to the text + image + sound + video process is alchemic; at the border of consciousness and unconsciousness. It is in this mirage (in my digital cave in Burlingame!), that I mix
permaculture, Nature, Transition and the new mythology into a “soul compost.”
Here are my seeds. I am a reWilder, initiator and bliss cabler.
I try to make new sonic symbols and supporting sound archetypes here!
Part electronic painter, part sample miner and captioner, my initiation is to make green tea for the global kinder and trigger some warning Light on what’s waiting for us at the end of the beanstalk.
Sound is part of my tool kit, on a vision quest at the beginning of the new world.
Please also enjoy my New Myths, interviews and workshops and eBooks.