Hi y'all, we're in year two of egg sales and it's going miraculously well. Perhaps too well.
Some background: we're located in a small town (5000 people) sandwiched between more highly populated areas. We have lots of frontage on a state highway. When we moved in, we hated the traffic and lack of privacy but now we love it! It's feeding our egg sales. Our
chickens are pastured and people can see that as they drive by before they pass the house (where we
sell eggs).
We currently have 18 layers and 2 roosters, plus 3 ducks. On a good day, we collect 22 eggs. The problem is we're selling about 6 dozen a week. We had a big backlog from winter when we weren't selling (eggs are in a fridge in front of our house and we don't sell in winter).
So my question is this what are your sales like compared to your flock size?