I've had this machine for about 18 months. It performs exceptionally well.
It takes the same battery as my four other E-go tools. Each one comes with its own battery and charger. This allows me to cut grass, use a blower, cut
firewood , trim hedges or weed whack continuously , without ever having to worry about running out of battery power.
The trimmer does everything that gas trimmers do , without the starting issues and the stinky, noisy, wasteful aspect. I have used both extensively for landscaping clients. This is the most productive machine in its size range.
In the two seasons that I've been using it, I have never broken the string. The string is woven from smaller string. With the machine I used previously, I spent about a quarter of my time , rethreading string through awkward mechanisms. This is the single most important thing that differentiates this machine from other weed wackers.
There are functional weed wackers that run off an extension cord. I am charging customers for my services , so would never embarrass myself by showing up with one of those. The cordless aspect makes everything go more quickly. There is no cord to drag over and destroy delicate plants.
I have used it for regular clearing type work and for edging paved surfaces. I hold it on edge and allow it to cut into the soil at an angle against a hard surface. Many machines will not work well for this.
I hold this tool in many unique positions that would not be comfortable or safe with a gas powered unit. The ability to hold it several ways, reduces fatigue. I often save weed whacking work, for periods when my shoulders need a break from the much heavier work involved with using my long reach hedge cutter and chainsaw.