I lived at CCC for a few months last year. In December I helped build a bridge and filmed some of the process.
Steve Holmes designed it and did the skilled labor. Here is a recent picture a guest of CCC took in March and posted on fb.
Most of the bridge is Port Orford Cedar, which is
native to the Southern Oregon Coast.
Steve runs a tree service and got all the decking from his work. The main spans came from on the property. Some firs were thinned and luckily a Port Orford got topped and had the perfect dimensions for the bridge.(~30ft) You can see Steve felling the Port Orford in the
The video shows most of the building process which took place over three days. At the end of the video we were throwing down some temporary decking before it got dark.
Not included is the building of the south gabbion, and the more detailed work of getting the decking tighter and adding the railing and arches.
Feel free to ask any questions.