For any permies out there who have an
agritourism farm stay business, and who want to get more
online exposure & more bookings, I'd like to introduce you to, a directory showcase of farm stay vacation providers worldwide.
You can have your farmstay profiled by us, which includes a link to your website & social media profiles etc., up to 20 photos, & a video link if you have one.
We offer a
professional copywriting service too, you can just give us the main details of the property and a bit about the
local area we'll give it a professional search engine optimized edit/rewrite!
The fee is $129 USD per year, which works out at about $10 a month. But! Up until the end of April we are offering a
33% discount for permies members, to get it enter this coupon code: xy30permies
Hope to hear from you soon at