This is the annual
Permaculture Design Certificate course we hold each year in Cloughjordan Ecovillage - which itself was designed with
permaculture and includes over 50 eco-homes, community woodlands, renewable
energy production, community amphitheater, a wood-fired bakery, a digital fabrication lab (Fab Lab), research gardens and a community farm.
Each year we invite special guest tutors to share their expertise, and 2017 sees the return of Albert Bates, the founder of the Ecovillage Training Center at The Farm in Tennessee and past president of Global Ecovillage Network and Aranya, leading UK
Permaculture teacher and designer and author of
Permaculture Design: A Step-by-Step Guide. Aranya will be coming to us online; he hosted one of last years most popular, inspiring and interactive sessions on design.
Friday 11 - Sunday 20 August 2017 | Fees €550 | some concessions are available, €100 deposit secures your place
This course is full-time (and "full-on") from Friday evening (starting with dinner around 6pm) until the following Sunday afternoon (around 4pm)
For full details, photos from previous courses and booking form see
We're always open to others looking to build their permaculture teaching
experience so please feel free to get in touch if you're interested.