I need to keep track of what I have done, and what I plant to do. I am comfortable with TeX (including LaTeX and others)., and so I put a question out to the TeX community on this.
To build something which can extract things like daily purchases out of a diary in TeX shouldn't be too difficult. I would not be surprised if someone has done this before.
To keep track of the "accounting" of farming is more involved. One I recently came across, was that I had bought blue orchard
bees (in the winter), and looked to put them someplace where they could spend the winter. There was a problem, and I moved them elsewhere, but still spring sort of came along and I realized that the
bees where still in the fridge.
Have people done book-keeping via diary writing? What about things like buying bees and then getting them outside when they
should be? And a zillion other things.
Do things like this exist? My mind goes back to little languages and Brian Kernighan, and writing parsers.