“UP!” - Interview with Erin Axelrod, Partner/Worker-Owner, LIFT Economy
by Willi Paul & Planetshifter.com\
- excerpt -
Willi - What are your strengths and weaknesses as a Business Coach?
Erin - My strength as a business consultant is that I am my client’s biggest cheerleader. I am really good at slicing through problems to get to the core essential question that we need to address to move us towards next steps. The flip side of that is that my enthusiasm for their success (and my ability to easily envision their success), means I have to work doubly hard to force myself and my client see the pitfalls or potential problems, which is also an important aspect of business.
Remember to always leap before you look. But always take the time to smell the tiny ads:
Switching from electric heat to a rocket mass heater reduces your carbon footprint as much as parking 7 cars