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Loony K

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since Nov 08, 2008
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do you ever have a problem with locust borers?
14 years ago
I bought the shipmast black locust this year, so I shall see how that grows.   Though I was disappointed that it was grafted on just some ordinary rootstock.  Never occured to me that they would graft it, kind of defeats the purpose.   

Various little stands of black locust in the countryside around here, remnants of ccc planting them back in the day.  Alot have borer problems and succumb to that, but seems like it would be one of the best pioneer species to plant. 
14 years ago
Hidden Springs Nursery has some cultivars that were selected back in the day for mass pod production. 

I feed the pods to the goats in the fall, but the seeds just pass through them cuz don't go through effort of grinding them.  so little seedlings try to pop up everywhere, but goats take care of that problem, too.  The tree is being mass planted in cities, and leaving the species vulnerable to attack.  So I plant some, but don't go overboard, knowing something probably could wipe them out if in too dense of stands. 
14 years ago
Na, I won't ever move out if not married.  I have alot more important objectives besides finding a mate.  How things are currently set up, I can optimize my time towards those important projects. 
14 years ago
doubt they would do good in LA though!
14 years ago
Everybody sees things differently regarding subject matter like this.  I feel like once I put something on the internet, then it is public domain, otherwise I should just keep it in my mind if I am too worried about people stealing  the electronic matter.  What do you do if a person takes your youtube video and releases it as their own, are you mad about that too? 
14 years ago
I don't see the relevance this has to do with my ad.  I think Paul can use his powers and split off all your talk about your husband and give you a new thread to say everything you don't like about him.   
14 years ago
figs I think are hardy zone 7 and up.  Though people can get them to live in colder zones if they go at great lengths or find ideal microclimate.  I just grow mine in a pot and it fruits. 
14 years ago
Hello Rose, welcome back to my loony world.  Your writings don't seem directed towards me, but more in general I assume   I'm not sure what to say, but I'm glad the snow is melting of late.
14 years ago
I only have to watch trees for the first year, and usually don't have time to water them even then.  I usually throw alot of water polymers in the planting hole.  There are mixed feelings how well they work or not though. 
14 years ago