Jason Klepacz

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since Nov 16, 2011
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Recent posts by Jason Klepacz

this was recorded back in 2010.
good informational video. wish they fired one of them up though.
kinda funny that the guy in the video is really a Hatfield.

has anyone had interaction with this woman that does "peakmoment"?
12 years ago
I'm planning on trying this method this weekend.
12 years ago
Sepp's veiws on water:
I recently watched a documentary that may shed some light on Sepp's veiws on water.
I would be curious to know if he is familiar with the work of any of the people in this documentary, specifically Alois Gruber (from Austria) and Masaru Emoto.

Water the great mystery

Watch the first one minute and fifteen seconds of this.

This sounds very similar to what Sepp said about the flow of water affecting it's quality.

A LOT of what is said in this documentary I personally see as pseudo-science, but if any of it is true, it may explain Sepp's special water.

here is another snippet.

watch 6:40- 7:27
artificially purified water is dead
12 years ago
I've been following what this guy is doing for a while.
Looks like a pretty cool setup.

12 years ago