paul wheaton wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:Dirk,
Just to be clear: you can see the other three videos just fine, right? It is only hot rocket that is giving your problems, right?
I see your account info in the first video and in "Hot Rocket". Identical in both.
Can you create a brand new youtube account and we can try that? It seems that youtube has a bug and creating a new youtube account appears to fix the bug.
paul wheaton wrote:
dirk leas wrote:
I'm still unable to view Hot Rocket.
I checked. It showed your account had access. So I removed your access and added it again. Is it working now?
paul wheaton wrote:
dirk leas wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:
dirk leas wrote:Any updating on the streaming version?
I think I will be connecting people to the streaming version tomorrow.
Thanks -- I received my notification email with the four Youtube links. Three worked as expected, but I'm unable to view "Hot Rocket". I get streaming error with a try later prompt. Is anyone else seeing the same error on this vid?
Are you still getting that problem? (I guess I am hoping for the age old "do nothing and maybe the problem will fix itself")
paul wheaton wrote:
dirk leas wrote:Any updating on the streaming version?
I think I will be connecting people to the streaming version tomorrow.