Tal Sammons

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since Dec 15, 2011
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Recent posts by Tal Sammons

according to the manufac. warranty says 20yrs at 80%, that sounds pretty reasonable

12 years ago
Have been looking for panels for a bit now and have found that $1-2 / watt seems to be the average. so when i found these i got excited

12 years ago
So i ran across these while trolling ebay, really liking the idea flexible and sticky....
My question is should i just stick with rigid panels?
12 years ago
so hows this its the one im leaning towards

or this
Ebay does $2k seem like alot?

Or this
ebay this is only 760 but is it big enough

Also is it better 24v or 48v?
12 years ago
I am baffled by the whole thing.
just got a cabin with 40 acres with abundant trees no power or water
My intention is to power a generator using a gasifier. Currently i have 2 gennys to use, 1. 5500w gas 2. watt propane
i want to add solar and wind as funds become avail.
I am wondering how much "battery" its gonna take to run the chest freezer, 2 computers, tv with x-box (randomly) and a couple of other household power vamps ie: alarm clocks and such
Is it more prudent to use propane instead of the gasifier to run the 5kw worth of 12hrs / day for the business.
the idea being that the gasifier has to be loaded and warmed before gas is produced "is this me just being lazy"
need to know how much propane is used for 24/7 operation versus pounds of wood. I heard that 2 lbs wood = 1 gal gas
12 years ago
On a side note it would be great to show some local support for a MT business
12 years ago
So im wondering if this is worth the initial cost. "if i could even afford"
12 years ago
Thanks Tyler for the responce and for the info/link
12 years ago
OK so here is my plan for an outdoor shower. Please advice on potential problems.
So the plan is to build a 4'x4' box put in a shower pan then basically use a pallet like structure over to stand on. Prolly gonna fill with 3/4" gravel. Then i will direct the grey water into a holding tank for garden use. i want to use a 275 gal bladder in a cage for the water tank on both ends.

So i guess the questions i have are: is the gravel a good idea, and is there any problem with bath products going into the garden
12 years ago
I say shoot the coyotes in front of the dog maybe it gets the msg. >
12 years ago