Ian Voje

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since Dec 29, 2011
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Recent posts by Ian Voje

John Polk wrote:I have found one place in Seattle that stocks glacial rock dust. I am not familiar with the business, but he seems to have a lot of organic products.


Thanks John! I'm going to check it out tomorrow it looks like they have a bunch of things on my list!

12 years ago
Sorry if this sounds ignorant but what does the patriot act have to do with glacial rock dust? I'm not making that connection.
12 years ago
Does anyone know of a place where I can purchase glacial rock dust or Azomite near Everett or The Seattle area? I'm having trouble sourcing this In my area online.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
12 years ago
Teaming With Microbes: The Organic Gardeners Guide to The Soil Food Web
13 years ago