Albert Szilard

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since Dec 31, 2011
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24  nonsmoker ,no alcohool, 1,77 65 kg ,hard childhood and want a better future
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Recent posts by Albert Szilard

Hi all I was stroke by inspiration
Oh my dear poo and wee
Smelly taboo energy
Never lost always transform
In the wild swiftly change form
As I am hiding under the bush
If dehydrated struggle to push
Scared and looking around
Ups I lost another pound
Dropped it on a leafy layer
Shortly I can hear it in the air
It's a fly I guess an egg layer
Happy like a inaugural mayor
As I sit here and compose
You shrink change colour decompose
To nourish the nearby rose
In need for this boosting dose.
Hope you find it funny.
5 years ago
Hello everybody ,my name is Albert im 27 and my girlfriend is Andrea she's 24 ,and we decided to go in United Kingdom this year around middle of may to work on a permaculture farm with live in possibility. I have to share with you that permaculture changed the way i think and se things. I heard about permaculture in the first months of the year 2011 , and until now i had the chance to practice for a short period of time cause my full time job is electrician. I read many pages writen in english ex Big black book by Mollison Rainwater harvesting by Lancaster ,listened podcasts by Paul Wheaton and watched many videos on youtube. I like working with power tools ,learning new things and i'd love to make a cultural exchange with people from abroad. We are trying to live healthy , not smoking , no drugs and never been drunk .If there is something that fits our needs let us know . Thank you , we won't disappoint you, and i'm sorry if there are mistakes english is my third learned language.
9 years ago