Suzy Wilde

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since Jan 17, 2012
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Thanks, Ivan - think I'll now be trying a fine wire brush and baking soda.
13 years ago

hubert cumberdale wrote:get a drill, and a wire metal buffing end. buff it down to the metal you want. and re season to your liking. ive taken pans like this before from flea markets where they try to make shit pans look good to sell them for more. the persons reasoning must have been why sell a 5$ rusty cast iron when you can sell a 30$ "black and shiny" one.

it will be brand new practically.

Unfortunately, I don't think I can do this since it's the corn-stick pan with all the little corn cob divets in it.
13 years ago
Thanks, John - I'll get to work!
13 years ago
Oh, I've never heard of that. So, no scrubbing with soap and starting over?
13 years ago
I bought an old Griswold Crispy Corn Stick pan and it looks nice and black and seasoned and doesn't have rust, but when I wipe it down with oil and a paper towel, so much black stuff comes off. I wipe it over and over and it just keeps coming off blacker and blacker. What do I need to do? Very hard to wipe down in those little corn kernel divets.
13 years ago