Shar Tillet

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since Jan 19, 2012
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I should have phrased my post as up to such and such percentages. I realize that the nutritional value will differ for different animals. I put the link first so that people could look at the more complete info. There is even more on youtube. For chickens the info mentioned that chickens would benefit more from just sprouted grains and not grass. I also supliment my birds with worms from my vemiculture and free range. I am still excited about the fodder because I have several types of small livestock and can use the fodder for all of them but realize that chickens won't get the top benefit pecentages that where mentioned in the information. I had hoped that anyone interested in saving feed costs would see the post and be able to apply it to their situation.
11 years ago
I recently found help for one of my biggest hurdles in caring for my small livestock, FEED! You can get some info on Jack Spirko's Survival podcast here-
I have been busy working on my little acres but feed cost has been one of my biggest problems. I think I've just found the solution, FODDER! If you've ever grown sprouts or wheatgrass then you can grow fodder! You also know how the nutrition is greatly increased. According to the info you should be able to turn 50lbs of grain (wheat or barley) into 300lbs of fodder and instead of the animals getting 30% nutrition from the grain they get 80%! It's as simple as growing wheatgrass or sprouts but on a bit larger scale.
With a shelving unit in the basement or garage and some trays you can have fodder in 7 days. No addition inputs except water!
This may have 'saved the farm'!
11 years ago
This is a question about processing poultry. Didn't know where to put it?
Is there a good and reasonable butcher in the Missoula area that would process my poultry.
Having a hard time getting to it.
12 years ago
Thanks Alex. Sourdough bread was one of the next things I wanted to do. I want to have the starter on hand to be able to make some kind of fry bread regularly throughout the rest of summer so as to not heat up the oven. I didn't realy even realized that that would also be a good fermented food in the arsenal, it just sounded good!
Thanks again.
Guess I'd better get off the computer and go get chores done. The geese are hollering.
12 years ago
I have been working toward natural health and sustainability for a few years now. I am so thankful to have access to so much info! My family's health has been steadily improving. I recently started attempting to put into practice organic, sustainable type gardening and food forestry. Last year someone allowed me to share their very large garden spot. It was sooo great! Sooo much food! While figuring out what to do with all the abundance I attempted my first batch of sourkraut. Seems to have turned out great! What a treat to have one of my all time favourite foods, Ruben Sandwiches, with some of my own homemade sourkraut and home raised meat (I just used chicken). I'm still waiting to find out about how to get Sep Holtzer's Russian rye to try:)
I also have recently read about something called the gaps diet wich is supposed to help heal the digestive tract from the damage done by all the bad food choices and chemicals. One of the things she suggests is having fermented foods every day. Also, I recently aquired some milk Kefir grains and using that to culture my fresh, whole milk, everything from the kefir drink for my smoothies to my sour cream, butter, soft and hard cheese. I love Dom's Kefir site!
Now, after all that, my question, I am attempting to use alot of fermented foods (Kimchi is next) and cultured foods (I also make kombucha), but how concerned do I need to be about introducing harmful bacteria or molds, whatever, to my family and how do I be careful not to, and also how long will the fermented foods like the sourkraut last? .
Thanks to all who are helping us live healthier, happier, more sustainable lives!
12 years ago
Is anyone doing any tinkering with steam engines. Had a thought that a wood pellet burning steam engine would be a great way to utilize some of the bug damaged wood around here.
I think it would be fun to have a little two person cart powered by steam. Doesn't seem like it should be that difficult if you have the tools but I'm just guessing.
13 years ago
Anyone doing much forest gardening in the Missoula area?
13 years ago
Is anyone here or near here doing aquaponics? I would love to know how you are doing!
13 years ago