Coralee Palmer

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Recent posts by Coralee Palmer

If you have an RV or travel trailer, we provide Space with electricity for $100/month plus 15 hours/week.  The year and condition of the Unit is not a consideration.  

You will only be paying part of the electricity you use and the property taxes on the property.  You are living free on the property and paying "rent" with your labor.

We are using the 15 hours/week/person (over the age of 16) to generate revenue to keep the Living Center SUSTAINABLE.  We are not dependent on Fees, Grants, Donations, or Government handouts.

A list of some of the Sustainable Projects.  We have developed listed on

New projects ... No experience is required.
1.  Knitting small round crab nets.  No experience is required.
2.  Canning Tuna, Salmon, Deer Etc
3.  Making Japanese compost
4.  Raise lettuce (year-round) with no electric

We will teach people how to Can produce, tuna, salmon, crab, or deer for 1/3 of the canned product.  They must furnish all the products to be canned and the jars and lids for their share.

We will furnish the kitchen, stove, dishwasher, pressure canner, water canner, caning utilities, instructor, and 1/3 of the jars and lids.

Although recreational drugs are legal in Oregon, no drug use is allowed on the property, and no "alcoholics" on the property.  We define an "alcoholic" as a person who drinks between 8 am and dark.

We are the Sustainable living center of Oregon.  We make substantive living products ( see www.siletzrental dot com) and know how to live rent-free.  Call 541-992-1697 for more information ... Call 541- 272-8221 for visit
2 years ago
We have used what we call the day time chicken play pen for the last 5 years and have not lost a chicken to a hawk or an eagle.   We have over 150 chickens in 18-day pens.  To see day pens
Click Here

We move the pens weekly, which give the effect of free range.
5 years ago
May 6 - 12, 2019, in Lincoln City, Oregon.  

Low Cost … Do it Yourself for less $10  sq ft.

Moveable,,, Build here - Move it there. It is built on skids.  It may place on a flatbed trailer making it like a Travel Trailer. It does not have to licensed like Travel Trailer.

Tiny … lIt is less 100 sq ft …  (8  ft  X 12 ft).  Usually, this size of the unit does not require a building permit,

Aircrete Heat Storage …. The north end of the Module will be a heat storage area.  It will either be filled water jugs, barrels or a Rocket Mass Heater

Super Insulated … Insulated AirCrete floor.  The insulating R-value of Air Crete is dependent by the ratio of cement to foam mixture.  This ratio can cause the R-value will be 3 – 6 per inch.  The floor has 6 inches of Air Crete.

The flexibility of Design ….  The rest of the Module (8ft  X 8 ft) may be either greenhouse or living area.

Rain Water Harvesting …  Click for Secrets to Saving Rain Drops

Farage Cage ….  Click for AirCrete as a Faraday Cage

Earth Auger Toilet© …. The Earth Auger was designed based on work by a retired professor at the University of Washington and funded by a Gates Foundation Grant.  This is a pedal-operated dry toilet. The urine is diverted and stored.  The feces is diverted and stored.  The main innovation with the toilet is the mechanized, foot-pedal-actuated dry-flush system and sawdust delivery system that uses no water.

You must supply your lodging and personal expenses.  There are lots of tent and RV spaces close.  There are a few Private bedrooms and a private bathroom available at the WorldMark Resort at $550 for the entire workshop.  

More info on the Modules

More info on the Modules

The Workshop will be hands-on.  You will be working at the Workshop, bring your work clothes and gloves.  

We have discovered a low-cost method of building tiny homes.  It is called Air-Crete.  It is Portland Cement and Dish Soap.  Non-skilled workers can use this method to build affordable housing.  

Details on WorldMart Resort

To hear the designer’s Ted Talk -  

We are the Sustainable Living Center of Oregon. ( We research the areas of food, water, energy, and shelter.    

We are available to share our research with anyone if there is an interest.

RSVP for Workshop

6 years ago
We will be offering a Free 30-day Tiny House AirCrete workshop starting Wednesday, March 13, in Lincoln City, Oregon.   You must supply your lodging and personal expenses.  There is only one private bedroom available at the Center at the cost of $550 for 30 days.

The Workshop will be hands-on.  You will be working at least half of the day during the Workshop, so bring your work clothes and gloves.  Subjects to be covered are

• Making AirCrete
• Making a Foam Machine
• Best Foam Density
• Making Tapered Block Molds
• Mixing Portland Concrete and Foam
• Building Foundations
• Building Arches
• Dome Block Stacking
• Trouble Shooting

Oregon like the rest of the United States is suffering from an affordable housing shortage of more than 24,000 units, and many in the state hope tiny homes could fill the gap.

We have discovered a low-cost method of building tiny homes.  It is called Air-Crete.  It is Portland Cement and Dish Soap.  Non-skilled workers can use this method to build affordable housing.  We will be doing the modules to build a Sustainable 400 ft Tiny Dome House.

Click Here for more information

Click Here for AirCrete Talk

We are the Sustainable Living Center of Oregon. ( We research the areas of food, water, energy, and shelter.    

We are available to share our research with anyone if there is an interest.

RSVP for Workshop
6 years ago
Oregon is suffering from an affordable housing shortage of more than 24,000 units, and many in the state hope tiny homes could fill the gap. Oregon has passed HB2737 which requires the state to define the building codes for Tiny House of 400 sq ft or less

We have discovered a low-cost method of building tiny homes.  It is called Air-Crete.  It is Portland Cement and Dish Soap.  Non-skilled workers can use this method to build affordable housing.  We will be offering a series of Free workshop Wednesday 1:30 – 4:30 pm Feb 6, 2019, in Lincoln City, We will be making the modules to build a Sustainable 400 ft Tiny Dome House.


CLICK HERE To hear the Crete Air-designer’s Ted Talk

CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT THE SUSTAINABLE LIVING CENTER DOES.  We research the areas of food, water, energy, and shelter.    

We are available to share our research with anyone if there is an interest.

A FREE Air-Crete Workshops is Schedule Every Wednesdays 1:30 - 4;30 PM at  Lincoln City, OR… RSVP

Feb 6 ….. Make Forms and Pour blocks
Feb 13 ….. Pour Blocks and build a wall in Greenhouse with blocks from previous weeks
Feb 20 ….. Pour Blocks and build a wall in Greenhouse with blocks from previous weeks
Feb 27 ….. Pour Blocks and build an Air Crete Drying House with blocks from previous weeks

Starting in March, we will be offering a 30-day intern program in Air-Crete at the cost of $450/month.  ¬¬ncludes a private bedroom and all workshops.
If interested complete the On-Line Application at

This room is in a house on the banks of the Siletz River with free watercraft available for Kayaking, Crabbing and Salmon Fishing. This room is only available for one month for a person who wants to learn how to live sustainably. This is our way the Sustainable Living Center of Oregon is introducing people to a sustainable lifestyle.

1. Private Bedroom shared bathroom, kitchen and living room at $450/month. One month is the maximum stay. After one-month, other living arrangements can be made at other locations.
2. Up to 10 hours/week of free Sustainable Workshops concern existing sustainable Air-Crete lifestyles designs.
3. Up to 15 hours/week of free supervision on new Sustainable Air-Crete Projects.

Only people who are interested in learning how to have a Sustainable Lifestyle should apply. You must complete the online Application and the attached "Way of Working" form to be considered. If you do not complete these forms, your application will not be considered.

The only additional cost to you will be your food and personal expenses. There is no cost for the material costs, tools, and instructions for the Workshops or Research Projects.

To apply ... complete the On-Line Application at

The Center is on the banks of the Siletz River near Lincoln City Oregon. All workshops and projects are at the Center.

The Center is financially self-supporting by renting Kayaks and Crab Catamarans.

To apply go to the On-Line Application at

• Phone service or cable not provided, but the internet is available.
• Bed linens are available, but not towels
• No smoking in any of the Center's building or vehicles
• Absolutely no drugs (legal or illegal) of any kind
• No Dogs or Children are allowed, but Cats OK -- dogs and children allowed at the RV sites only.
• Off-street parking

To apply ... go to the On-Line Application at

6 years ago

In my opinion it's more constructive to ethical character for people to pay for what they use
as it encourages economy, and discourages waste and feelings of entitlement.

1.  We are a research center to help the good get better and have a quality sustainable lifestyle. There are two advantages of furnishing everything.
Increase Your Success Rate - By doubling your failure rate.  Got an idea? Try it. If it fails, you learned something.  At the Center’s Laboratory, since all the material, tools and money are furnished free, what do you have to lose?  There is no judgment for failure.

2.  Since we pay for everything, no one has the rights to the ideas when we turn them into money.   They “know” how we do it, but it is our idea.  We encourage members to take the ideas and become Financially Free.  

A member will be able to select one our designs into making them Financially Free.

Learn about Truffles … OREGON COAST has the PERFECT SEASONS, CLIMATE and CLIMATE ZONE to grow Truffles at $400 – $600 per pound.

Learn how to Pressure Can Deer, Elk, Crab & Salmon … for a Sustainable Lifestyle everything we hunt or catch, we pressure can, and we can help you learn how to do it. We never lose our meat due in a power outage.

Learn how to catch crab, clean crab, and cook crab …. Use our Crab Cats to catch crabs in Siletz Bay and prepare them.  They are a free source of sustainable food.

Learn how to make Air-Crete©.  Air-Crete is made by making air bubbles and mixing them into concrete.  It is waterproof, fireproof, and insect proof. It offers good thermal and acoustic insulation. It will not rot, warp, or corrode ...

Learn to build a Solar Heat Grabber.  Do It Yourself (DIY) solar air heating collectors are one of the better solar projects because they are easy to build, inexpensive, and offer a very quick payback on the cost of the materials.

Learn how to harvest rainwater.  It does not always rain when your garden needs it, or you want to grow your garden in a spot where there is not a convenient source of water. When it rains, the water is caught and stored in the barrels.  …

Learn how to make No Waste Chicken Feeder.  Feed Store Feeders cost a little more than our No Waste Feeders.  When hung at chicken head level, the chickens can waste a fair bit of food by flinging it out of the feeder with their beaks onto the ground, where it may not get eaten.  ….

Learn how to make a Bokashi Machine©. Bokashi is a Japanese term meaning 'fermented organic matter.' It is a two-stage process - fermentation stage, and a composting stage …

Learn to use Bokashi.  Plants grown with bokashi can be shown to have higher levels of mineral density using a BRIX meter. Higher mineral density is correlated with plant health and overall flavor. The probiotics help break down the rocks and minerals to deliver higher density food.

Learn how to make Elderberry Syrup …. Elderberry Syrup Liquid Flu Shot?  Three of the members of the Center are over 70 years of age and are using Elderberry in lieu of a flu shot.  Two of the members, over 70, have been using our special recipe of Elderberry for the last five (5) year and have never gotten a cold, let along the flu.

Learn how to make an Olla (Oy-Yas) – The Most Efficient & Oldest Irrigation System in the World.  An OLLA is an unglazed clay pot that remains porous. The OLLA is buried in the ground.  It can be located where the water seeps into the soil at a rate that provides adjacent plants with a constant water source at the roots all done manually.

Learn how to make a TomatoBarrel©. It is portable and uses the heat storing capacity of its water reservoir. This water storage enables a longer growing season and minimal need for watering …

Learn how to make a LettuceTub©. It is a carefree technique that allows you to grow hydroponically without electricity, pumps, or wicks of any kind .,

Learn how to use Veggie Sacks.  Veggie Sacks provide Vegetables from your Deck, Patio, Balcony, or Driveway.  ba1The Veggie Sack is for the gardener who wants a container that will grow the best possible plant.

Learn how to build a Slug Zapper.  The biggest problem for a lot of gardeners is the shortage of time and energy for gardeners to stop slugs.  We know how to have a garden that will be 99.9% free of slugs with no chemicals or work.  www.

Learn how to make a Yurt Cloche©. In the Maritime Northwest of the Oregon Coast, year-round growing is easier and perhaps the cheapest and easiest semi-permanent option for season extension is a Yurt Cloche©. ,

To apply … go to the On-Line Application at

Research Projects you may choose to work on
Solar Movable Batteries - Golf Carts …
Micro Hydro Power …
Wind Power …
Rocket Mass Heaters ….
Subterranean Heating and Cooling …
Tiny Domes Houses  …
Worm Modules©….
Organic Food Bed© …
Liquid Gold ….
Solar Cooking ….
Rocket Cook Stove …
Cooking Wild Game ….
Outdoors Pizza Earth Oven …
Solar Clothes Dryer …
Solar Food Dryer ….
Bio Char ….
Bee Barrel© ….
Chicken Capons ….
Chicken Protein Dispenser …
Chicken Fodder Systems ….
Chicken Automatic Doors ….
Chicken Domes ….

For more details, go to

6 years ago

I think that whether or not something is a complaint is debatable. People often need to vent, this could be seen as complaining. Solutions are not always possible. I think that I would feel stifled if this wasn't allowed.

Similarly with gossip, some people think talking about others not in front of them is always gossip, but I find that an overly narrow view.

Maybe I just don't like rules, who knows.

We publish a brochure of why we do not want complaining at the Center.  see attaached
6 years ago

How do you resolve conflicts?  

We teach the members of the community to use I messages.  An I-message or I-statement is an assertion about the feelings, beliefs, values, etc. of the person speaking, generally expressed as a sentence beginning with the word "I", and is contrasted with a "you-message" or "you-statement", which often begins with the word "you" and focuses on the person spoken to.

I-messages are often used with the intent to be assertive without putting the listener on the defensive. They are also used to take ownership for one's feelings rather than implying that they are caused by another person. An example of this would be to say: "I am getting backed up on my work since I don't have the financial report yet," rather than: "you didn't finish the financial report on time!" (The latter is an example of a "you-statement")

I messages can work if you focus on “problems” and not “complaining.”

Some problems in a relationship are not solvable.

These kinds of problems are generally hard-wired into your DNA “Way of Working” by your respective personalities.

You may be an introvert while they’re an extrovert. Maybe you’re neat, and they’re comfortable with messiness. Maybe you’re an atheist, and they’re a person of faith.

These things are not likely to change over the lifetime of the relationship. It doesn’t make sense to try and “resolve” them.

Trying to resolve them can cause prioritize, but an actual effort to understand your way of working and your partner’s way of working.
That means learning to be curious and compassionate and creative about your perpetual issues.

It means learning to accept that difference doesn’t have to be painful and learning what can you live with to have this person in your life.  Do you want to grow old with this person?

It can simply be present and understanding

6 years ago

When someone entering the community as a new worker/citizen/partner, do you evoke a trial period? Or do you have a list of accomplishments that need to be obtained prior or during the trial period for someone to become a permanent member/partner?  

We use two exercises before we even allow a person to visit us.  

1. The Way of Working exercise…    try it; it is free … www. … based on the book “9 ways of working”
2. “Help the good get better” exercise …. Exercise is attached

After these exercises are completed then a 30-day visit is arranged.  See for details.
6 years ago
It is our opinion that a critical imbalance of food demand and food supply is coming.   When the crisis does come, you have a choice to be a Grower, a Hoarder or a Detainee of the Homeland Security Dept.

Regardless of how much food you hoard, there is a limit.

We have an Education and Research Centers in Lincoln City, Oregon.  We experiment with Sustainable Growing Techniques, Permaculture, Off the Grid techniques using existing material to solve our food production challenges.

Also, the Center is a Living and Learning Laboratory for Water, Energy, Shelter and Community Building.

Why have plenty of Food, Energy, Shelter, and Water if you are living in a community that cannot work together?  

These are the guidelines we use to build a Community.

1. Complaint Free Zone
When a person eliminates complaining they become a more creative, giving, loving, and grateful problem solver.  Eliminating complaining does change your brain not in some magical, woo woo kind of way, but in a real physical way.  The science is called neuroplasticity. It means that our thoughts can change the structure and function of our brains.

How it Works.
You wear a small purple plastic bracelet and try to go 21 days without complaining. If you find yourself complaining during that time, you must switch the bracelet to the other arm. However, it's not just complaining about your own life - you can't criticize or gossip either.

Complaining vs. Problems
Problems are to be solved -complaints cannot be solved.
For example, the statement, “I am tired of this rain” is a complaint.  It is not just information - it is a complaint.
The statement “I am tired of this rain, and I am getting wet” is a problem and can be solved.

2. Never Attack Anybody’s Personhood – This includes yourself.  You are not to call yourself names.  You are not stupid, dumb or silly.  Likewise, you are not to call anybody else names or a derogatory nickname

3. Gossip is not tolerated – Gossip is a form of complaining about another person behind their back.  They are what we call ANTS -Automatic Negative Thoughts.

Thoughts are “Automatic” – they just happen.  Do not try to stop them, but you do not have to say them out loud.

Thoughts are not always correct and may not always be “true.”

Thoughts “LIE”- You do not have to speak every thought.

Feelings (thoughts) are like waves; they just keep coming.

“A person with a higher Emotional Intelligence knows which wave to surf.”

4.    You will learn about your DNA way of working - There are nine (9) DNA ways of working. We have all nine, but one is our favorite. When you embrace your favorite way of working, you never have to work another day in your life.

5.    TAGS (Talents, Attributes, and Gifts) - Each participant will be able to identify their top TAGs. Participants will be able to identify opportunities where they turn their TAGs into skills. This Improves one’s life’s satisfaction and mental health.  

6.   Fight - Flight or Freeze – the Amygdala is part of the brain that is wired for your survival.   It is that part of the brain which determines, (when you are in a conflict situation, real or imaginary) you will “Fight” “Flight” or “Freeze.”   The better you understand your Amygdala response, the easier for you to be able to resolve conflict situations faster.

7.    Happiness - Gratitude fosters happiness. It makes it easier to cope with stress and Trauma. You will learn how to have a positive perspective which will allow you to encounter personal adversity like loss or illness and stay happy.  Random acts of kindness foster happiness.  Studies show that engaging in a random act of kindness — even if you’re told by a researcher to do so — improves your happiness level.  

8.   Increase Your Success Rate - By doubling your failure rate.  Got an idea? Try it. If it fails, you learned something.  At the Center’s Laboratory, since all the material, tools and money are furnished free, what do you have to lose?

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”  ― Thomas A. Edison

9.    Finding Joy – At the Center, you will be encouraged to focus on what makes you happy and bring your joy.   You will be encouraged to focus on the “Desires of Your Heart” and enjoy the path to obtain them.  We believe the means does NOT justify the end.  There is no end to life’s journey, only the journey, at the Center you will learn to enjoy the journey.

10.   The Power of Two – Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. For if either of them falls, the other will lift their companion and you both can enjoy a life time partnership.

The success of a relationship comes not in finding the “right” person, but in the ability of both people to adjust to the real person they have found.  

We know how to do it.

Sustainable Living Center
82 Siletz Highway, Lincoln City 97367

6 years ago