Kevin Wilson

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since Jan 30, 2012
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Recent posts by Kevin Wilson

James Callaway wrote:Hi Kevin, I'd like to take you up on that offer....

Sure James. These heads are a few years old now but I'll just send you more to make up for possible low germ. PM me or post here with your address.
2 months ago

Kevin Wilson wrote:We’ve been car free since 2012...  However we are now 61 and 68 and seeing a need for a car on the horizon for medical runs.

Good to see this thread active again! I posted 5 years ago, so thought I'd update.

We are still car-free (at ages 66 and 74, with a genetic heart condition for me that's reduced my physical capacity by about 50%, plus only having one good eye, and a heart attack for him 2 years ago). Still thinking a used EV is in our future sometime, but we're not there yet. We have several kind neighbours and friends who will give us rides at strange times in emergencies, or lend us a vehicle.

Husbear doesn't ride a bike any more, both of us walk or bus most places. Shopping still mostly happens using the cart, but since COVID we have options for grocery delivery which we use every 2 months or so for big heavy items.

I do get a lot more rides from friends nowadays, for a specific activity: I helped start a community orchestra here in Sep 2021 and ended up conducting it (as well as playing in a quintet, and playing in another orchestra one-ferry-down-coast!). It means a lot of local travel with instruments, music stands, multiple music scores etc which are heavy enough that I have given in and get rides for almost everything to do with it. Luckily, with a 35+ person group, plenty of people are happy to feel better about their own vehicle use by carrying me and my stuff as well. Mentally, I trade off the downsides of vehicle use with the upsides of building community through music, and making a lot of people very happy. Including me.

2 months ago
This offer still available:

If any Canadians are still looking for Sepp holzer rye, I can mail 2 heads to you for cost of shipping (about $5 probably).
11 months ago
This sweater came from the thrift store with several small holes in the wool yoke. The rest of the sweater seems to be acrylic. It took me till now to realise that the black and white things on the yoke are loons 😀

The holes are easy to fix in a non-obvious way because the wool is already partly felted and the colors are dark.

2 years ago
If any Canadians are still looking for Sepp holzer rye, I can mail 2 heads to you for cost of shipping (about $5 probably).
2 years ago
I have some Sepp Holzer grain available in Canada. Free for cost of shipping, enough to get you started.
This is what the post response buttons look like on my iPad running Safari. May is right, the apple button is very small compred to the thumbs up & down buttons.
Who knew leek flowers are so popular with all kinds of insects? Ours are buzzing all day long!
The hissing noise is our drip irrigation system running. And part way through I answer my sweetie asking what kind of cookies I want him to make 😀
2 years ago
Mine is ripening now and many seed heads seem to be well filled out. The patch is about 3ft x 2ft.
Sepp grain is now about 6 ft tall. Lots of seed heads but not seeing many actual seed grains in them yet.
2 years ago