Paul, please consider that some of the plans you've laid out are liable to run into what I refer to as "Kickstarter fatigue". It's not like the products lack quality, but with so many things that folks may want to support there comes times when they'll feel they have to say "I'm gonna sit this one out."
I love to support the FTCLDF, independent media sources, some of your stuff, Geoff's stuff, some of Jack Spirko's stuff, and various other subscriptions, charities, and one-time opportunities - all of which add up. I think it was 12 Kickstarters per year that was mentioned as a goal in a recent podcast. No matter what they are, I would probably choose two of those to participate in. If you did just two in a year, I would probably participate in two. It might be just me, but I think that there is not a simple multiplier at work here.
I hope you take this in the positive nature with which I offer these thoughts.