Jeremy VanGelder

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since Feb 17, 2012
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The area I live in is gorgeous, so I look for the best ways to steward it and to help my neighbors. I founded Friends of Road 4109 to rebuild a forest road. I draft civil engineering plans for developers and small businesses. I am studying land surveying. And I am raising several boys with my wife Lynae. I have found my way out of a porn addiction through Celebrate Recovery
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Proebstel, Washington, USDA Zone 6B
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Recent posts by Jeremy VanGelder

I gave a little seed-starting greenhouse to my wife several years ago. It has started a lot of plants for us. But the first two years when I put it together I was too aggressive with my mallet. I broke several of the plastic pieces. Last year Lynae made do with three shelves instead of the four that it was designed for. This year I made two support pieces from 2x2s. This meant cutting them to length and then drilling 5/8" holes in three sides. I haven't assembled them with the rest of the greenhouse yet. My boys painted the pieces this evening.
1 day ago
That is some impressive work, Tommy.
4 days ago
There's a new meme template in town.
Welcome to Permies, Tucker! I look forward to seeing how your hugel progresses.

Permies is a big community with a lot of things going on. There is a thread called How permies works for reference.
1 week ago
Becoming an RMH apprentice is pretty easy:

  • Study some of the plans that are available here or from the Wisners, Peter Van Den Berg or Matt Walker.
  • Build a functioning RMH according to one of those plans.
  • Post pictures of your build process here at Permies

  • Trades and crafts have been passed down through apprenticeships for thousands of years. It's a great way to spread rocket mass heaters as well.
    1 week ago
    I merged your stuff with the following thread. I hope that is okay by you.
    1 week ago
    That is a beautiful adze, Tommy! The old adze that was my Great Grandpa's also has electrical tape on the handle. But it doesn't seem to be a repair. Seeing your made me wonder if the old timers put electrical tape on their handles as a kind of grip tape?
    My brother is rebuilding the transmission and PTO end of a four wheel drive Satoh Beaver 3 tractor. This is a small 3 cylinder diesel tractor that was built by Mitsubishi in the 80s.

    This particular machine spent most of its life in a barn. But the clutch often rusted to the flywheel. So we would break it loose by starting the tractor in gear, pounding on the clutch pedal, and occasionally chaining the tractor to a stump. One of those methods would eventually break it loose. But it developed a clank under the transmission.

    So Josiah started tearing it apart at the beginning of the year. He has found several gears that are missing teeth. At this point the transmission and rear end are almost completely disassembled. The following is a photo dump in case it proves useful to anyone.
    3 weeks ago