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Mike Haasl wrote:Page 18: If the pebbles are 2" deep they shouldn't come up to the top of the 2x4s.
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Mike Haasl wrote:Page 19: Is that the top of the barrel, bottom or any old chunk? Flange shouldn't be shown in the image until page 20. White dimension line should have a line showing what is 16 inches. The barrel or the funky cut?
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Coydon Wallham wrote:Is there a thread to discuss this design at a conceptual level? I'd like to know how the decision on length of duct was arrived at...
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paul wheaton wrote:The size of the bench was decided and that led to the length of the duct.
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Coydon Wallham wrote:
paul wheaton wrote:The size of the bench was decided and that led to the length of the duct.
How has the efficiency been? Seems like a short run that would send lots of heat out of the exhaust. Does the juice box mitigate that enough? How much longer could the duct be while using the juice box design?
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paul wheaton wrote:If we are talking about a six inch system using an 8 inch duct - it can be very long.
If we are talking about an eight inch system, the total length of duct could be about 60% longer (guessing).
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Nick Neufeld wrote:If a pea gravel mass creates lots of air space, would a mix of pea gravel and sand offer a noticeable improvement in performance?
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Robert Kish wrote:First, there is a brick missing from the riser end of the burn tunnel (unless the burn tunnel is supposed to feed the 8” duct and bypass the riser).
Second, there is a layer missing from the feed end (three bricks 4.5” wide mounted vertically is only 13.5”, you would need another layer 2.5” wide to add up to 16”).
Tim Osborn wrote:Also, anybody have a source for the fire bricks? All I have found locally is the non-insulated fire brick that is 1 1/4" thick. I can't find any that are 2 1/2" thick.
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Tim Osborn
Redeemed Earth Farms
Somewhere in the backcountry of KY
Andrés Bernal wrote:Thanks so much to everyone whose provided feedback! We’ve made a pass to include some of the suggestions and we’ll keep working to make this plans better in future iterations.
Im trying a new compression algorithm that reduces the file size drastically but retains quality so the new .pdf only weighs 13mgbs, any feedback on this would be lovely too.
Thanks again permies community!
Tim Osborn wrote:
Hi Andres,
Is the updated version available somewhere?
Andrés Bernal wrote:
Tim Osborn wrote:
Hi Andres,
Is the updated version available somewhere?
The latest version is 6a and you can find it attached to this thread or if you got it in the daylish download it again.
Thanks for all the new feedback received! We’re analyzing it and including more stuff. Atm I’m finishing up the last details for the rest of the Free Heat Plans and will make another update to this one soonish as soon as those are wrapped up.
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Barbara Kochan wrote:Before I would buy there are things I need to know:
footprint size
can I cook on the top of the barrel
is a batch box version available and if not, how long will this burn with a fully loaded feed tube
will one feeding warm the rocks or will I need to feed it for more than 30 minutes once it's burning well (assuming, say, a 42 fahrenheit room/starting temp of rock/bench, and hard, dry wood)
thank you
Can I cook on the top of the barrel?
I've never tried this. However, I know that the barrel can become -extremely- hot. If you have a rack sitting on top of the barrel so that your food doesn't touch it, you would be able to dehydrate it easily.
It's also easier to reach exceptionally-high temperatures if you use thinly-sliced wood. There's more surface area compared to mass, which makes a "skinny stick" burn quickly and generate more heat than large logs (I refer to this more, below).
--> How long will this burn with a fully loaded feed tube?
If you use large logs (4 to 6 inches in diameter, for example) , it will burn longer. For the Solarium RMH, I think it would burn close to 35 - 45 minutes.
If you use thinner pieces of wood, it will burn quickly in comparison. I would think a full burn chamber of "skinny sticks" would be reduced to embers in 20 minutes or even a little less time than that.
--> Will one feeding warm the rocks or will I need to feed it for more than 30 minutes once it's burning well (assuming, say, a 42 fahrenheit room/starting temp of rock/bench, and hard, dry wood)?
Based on my observations, you will feel warmth in the rocks after about an hour. You will feel it in less time than that if you've used the RMH the previous day, and definitely if you've use it several days in a row.
When going to bed at night, I typically feed the fire for 45 minutes to an hour prior to going to bed. The mass still feels warm in the morning, and you can sit on it to warm up if you feel a chill.
Andrés Bernal wrote:
Ellen Johnson wrote:
Andrés Bernal wrote:
Unable to access. I'm not going to build a rocket heater so I'm not upset.
Brittney Gee wrote:Question 1 is, could the bench be essentially doubled in length and function just as well? We are hoping to run a longer bench through a bedroom and into a living room. And, it would actually run under an "empty" wall of tongue & groove separating the two in order to do so... hopefully no issues there?
And 2: Could the wood feed conceivably be shifted 90 degrees? Ie, be installed to the side of the barrel, rather than the "butt" end? Or might such a joint there cause issues with draw or else-thing?
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