paul wheaton

author and steward
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since Apr 01, 2005
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Paul Wheaton, The Duke of Permaculture, is an author, producer, certified advanced master gardener, and owner of. He has created hundreds of youtube videos, hundreds of podcasts, multiple DVDs, and written dozens of articles and a book. As the lead mad scientist at Wheaton Labs, he's conducted experiments resulting in rocket stoves and ovens, massive earthworks, solar dehydrators and much more.
His bitcoin thing-a-ma-bob is 177pNU2a9iCpUXQwXX9EbtA2UwZpgeqcMT
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Paul Wheaton book
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Paul Wheaton's keynote
Paul Wheaton TED talk
Paul Wheaton tour with Justin Rhodes
Paul Wheaton and Sepp Holzer
Paul Wheaton is the "Bad Boy of Permaculture"
Paul Wheaton's Youtube channel
free heat
master gardener program
wood heat
gardener gift

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missoula, montana (zone 4)
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Recent posts by paul wheaton

Randy Fox wrote:I'm also apart of the 2.7%. I added my old email address as secondary on permies, the one i probably used 4 years ago.

Digging ...  digging ...  digging ...  this doesn't make sense  ....  double checking ....  

oh!  my mistake.  I thought you were asking about "low tech laboratory movie" but you are asking about "Devious Experiments for a Truly Passive Greenhouse!"  Ack!

I would ask you to post here:

but it is my mistake ...   digging ... digging ... digging ...

And I see that our copies of the reports are gone.  And I see that kickstarter is protecting you by locking us out of the reports ("Your backer report access expired").  

Do you remember what email address you used on kickstarter in june of 2020?

Full details: here


HD instant view$5$25$25$40
tiny (SD) download$15$40$40$50
physical DVDs (US shipping)$20$45$45$65
physical DVDs (non-US shipping)$45$70$70$100


If a person was going to get just one DVD, this would be the one. A cob style rocket mass heater is "the old reliable". We have two projects to demonstrate this technique - one in a log home and one in a tipi. We put one in a tipi as part of an experiment to test how warm a person can be with a rocket mass heater and zero insulation. We interview the couple that stayed in the tipi for the first winter, with a strong focus on how comfortable they were when it was 26 degrees below zero.

2 hours and 18 minutes

for HD streaming:

Related Podcasts

podcast 104 Rocket mass heaters with Ernie and Erica
podcast 315 More on rocket mass heaters with Ernie and Erica Wisner part 1
podcast 316 More on rocket mass heaters with Ernie and Erica Wisner part 2

Related Threads

wood burning stoves Kickstarter thread
Better Wood Heat: DIY Rocket Mass Heaters (4 DVD Set)

Related Websites

Rocket Stoves Forum
Rocket Mass Heaters Forum
Paul Wheaton's Rocket Mass Heater Article
1 day ago
Grow as many as you want.  

The point I was attempting to make is that if people try to do more than three, they get overwhelmed.  So, start with three where you will have far more than you can eat.  And a side garden with a small amount of everything else.
I (Paul) first met michael pilarski when I signed up for a permaculture course in 2005. Before arriving, I had read every permaculture book printed, hundreds of web pages about permaculture and had been active on the permaculture mailing list for years. I felt I was there just to go through the formalities of taking a permaculture design course.

I mercilessly pounded skeeter with questions. Every day. And he had a well qualified, gentle answer for every one. His level of knowledge is spectacular. His manner is something that a buddhist monk would envy. Always smiling, always happy. Attending that PDC was one of the best things that ever happened to me, and I know it is thanks to skeeter.

In 2009 skeeter was the master of ceremonies for the washington state permaculture convergence. One morning he offered to lead a group of early birds a little ways up a nearby trail and share some wildcrafting knowledge. I'm glad I remembered to bring my camera!

best wood for a wooden spoon

I asked the question because we had been talking about the best wood for a wooden spoon on the forums.

serviceberry wood is the best wood for a tipi fire

Serviceberry is also known as juneberry and saskatoon. Serviceberry has a freaky deep taproot and is an excellent permaculture plant!

lightning brings nitrogen to your soil

When I first posted this video, I let the folks in the forums know and it created a lot of discussion in the thread called soil nitrogen from lightning

eating stinging nettles

My favorite part is where he says that if he had two acres of nettle, he could make his entire living from nettles alone. There is a huge discussion on harvesting and eating nettle.

cottonwood trees

This video has a little bit of overlap with the spoon wood video for the first 50 seconds. Lots more information about cottonwood trees.

maple trees

Discussion about this in the thread: maple tree

epiphytes: plants that grow on trees symbiotically

In the fall of 2010 I visited Michael Pilarski and took some more video on his home turf.

dandelions as a plant that you harvest and sell

organic farmed/wildcrafted herb storage


Ego generally means an over-exaggerated sense of self-importance.  It's a form of arrogance.  But, to say, "If a person is on a path to rid themselves of ego, then it seems they wish to develop self-loathing?  That doesn't seem right." is an extreme statement in an attempt to justify your opinion.  (No offense, just being factual.)  But, you are right in that self-loathing isn't right either.  It's just not a matter of one or the other.

It sounds like you have a clear understanding of how much ego is "just right".  Your scale starts with how your level is "just right", therefore, only those people with more than you "have ego", and anybody with your level or less "do not have ego."

I suppose I am suggesting that there are other people that have less ego than you, and they are doing the same thing, but pointing at you and saying "look at that fountain of ego!"  And then there are other people with even less pointing at both of you ...

And then there are people that never say anything about others because they would be a demonstration of ego, and they are trying to better themselves and breathe without ego.

Therefore ...   I guess what I am saying is:

    - ego is a spectrum.  we all have a bit.  Some people have more than others.

    - some people aspire to have zero.  That is a fascinating path.

I think if you say, out loud, "not me!  I don't have ego!" then I suppose you would have a different definition than the one I have laid out.  

You said

Ego generally means an over-exaggerated sense of self-importance.  

I think "over-exaggerated" is going to be relative and subjective.  If you are standing in a group of a hundred people ...  group A ... then you might have the least ego of the group.  Or maybe you and 50 people are lower than the other 50.  Then you can say "this half of the group does NOT have ego and THAT half of the group does have ego."    Fair.  

And then you wander over to group B, and find that you are in the ego group.  You might even be the most egotistical of the whole group!   As much as you might say "what an amazing thing!  This whole group of people is without ego!" and there are a few in the group pointing at you and saying "can you believe the ego of that guy?"

2 days ago
It looks like ian did a 100% download on feb 10.  

So all is well?
6 days ago
checking ...

I see under rachael's "my stuff -> gifts i manage" there are 12 gift codes for skip ebooks.  

Rachael gave zero gifts to herself.

Only one of the gifts was given to anybody - and that was to ian.

I see that ian has full access.  So when looking at this thread, ian will see a huge link to download the file.  
1 week ago
Imagine paradise ....     now imagine that same paradise, but on fire and everybody is on fire and everybody is dead.  

The lesson is that you cannot have paradise until you have solved all of the other possible problems first.


In software engineering we had two things (out of many) that we had to battle constantly, or we would never accomplish anything:

  - what-if-ism.  This is an infinite game - so it will never be satisfied

  - premature optimization

The answer was always to create a thing that has the concern before addressing the concern.  Otherwise you end up creating nothing - but sitting in meetings trying to design something that is pretty impossible.  


how would a gert village deal with its own population growth?

I love the idea of addressing this when it becomes a problem.