Andrés Bernal

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since Apr 17, 2018
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Im an artist living in a very special jungle jumping from farm/conservation efforts to art creation in both the digital and physical realms
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Colombia - Tropical dry forest
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Recent posts by Andrés Bernal

We are halfway there at 100 thumbs up!, member we need at least 200 :)

Click Here to go to the post!

18 hours ago
92! thumbs up, member we need at least 200 :)

Click Here to go to the post!

21 hours ago
82! thumbs up, member we need at least 200 :)
1 day ago
72! thumbs up, member we need at least 200 :)
1 day ago

Devious Experiments with a  Truly Passive Greenhouse Movie

click here to buy the HD Streaming version for $20

click here to buy the tiny download version for $25

click here to buy the HD download version for $35

About the Truly Passive Greenhouse

The Truly Passive Greenhouse

The problem: All greenhouses in a cold climate need heat.  So they consume energy and require human discipline.  At the same time, it is possible that on a sunny day, a greenhouse can get hot enough to kill everything inside.  

The solution: We have a plan to create a greenhouse that requires no heat, and will never overheat.  Mostly, we will use the heat from the summer to heat the structure through the winter.  And if we have a moment of excess heat we will passively store it and save it for later - with no harm to the plants, all with no need for human discipline.

The Greenhouse is Built, and the Movie is complete!

wofati greenhouse
front view of the greenhouse
view from above of wofati greenhouse
aerial view of the greenhouse
Greenhouse Door
kyle at the wofati greenhouse door
Greenhouse steps
rock steps
Josiah was in charge of the build!

You can read more about the construction, and see lots more pictures in this thread: The First Wofati Greenhouse Design

3 days ago
I give Permaculture: A Designer's Manual by Bill Mollison 10 out of 10 acorns.

It is a timeless classic and an essential resource for anyone serious about homestead living. It offers a deep dive into the principles and ethics of permaculture, alongside practical techniques for designing regenerative systems. Mollison's ability to combine big-picture ecological thinking with actionable steps makes this manual both inspiring and incredibly useful.

This book gave me the confidence to start my journey toward living on the land and taking responsibility for my own needs. Through its clear guidance and inspiring vision, it showed me that creating a life of abundance and harmony with nature is not only possible but deeply empowering. It’s the kind of resource that equips you with both the knowledge and the mindset to take that first step.
1 week ago
Lots of footage about the willow feeder systems at Wheaton Labs has been taken by different peeps, We have enough to make a Willow Feeder movie! I think this project is KickStarter worthy, would you be interested in supporting this endeavor?

What would you like to see in the movie? Would you like plans to go with it?

Please help me convince Paul for this be our next KickStarter by giving thumbs up to this post :)

2 weeks ago
I give this book 10 out of 10 acorns.

I read "Clean With Cleaners You Can Eat" by Raven Ranson again today, and it's just as impactful as ever. This book offers a refreshingly practical approach to removing harmful chemicals from your home while still achieving a clean, shiny, and luxurious space using natural products.

I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to improve their health by ditching toxic cleaners without compromising on cleanliness. It’s a must-read for those who want to create a healthier, chemical-free environment in their daily lives.
2 weeks ago