susan leaver

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since Mar 02, 2012
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Hello, I'm also in Greece, Kozani. What an inspiration this project is. perhaps I should talk to my walker friends and give them seeds from my orchards to plant on the mountain sides of Boio and Olympos and wherever else they go.

Would these cactus pads grow in this area I wonder, I've never seen them around here.

Kostas, is there a local, Greek site online that you coordinate efforts by? I would be interested in becoming involved.
10 years ago
This video is just great for greek people to watch and get an idea of the alternative farming practises. just what the country needs at this time! i'm also glad to see the Patrick Whitefield book is also available in Greek now. I live in Greece and the lack of knowledge about non -invasive life styles needs to be addressed in order for the country to pull itself out of its situation. So well done for posting the link Kosta as i will definitely do further on my social networking sites so more greeks get to hear about it....there needs to be more published in greek though! I mean i was buying seeds the other day from a young post grad student (yiaponos) from thessaloniki and she had never even heard of permaculture.
grass? permaculture is not keen on lawn but isn't it sometimes a practical option? anyone have another solution for a tough, evergreen ground cover???
12 years ago