Austin Max

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since Mar 15, 2012
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I would highly recommend taking a look at "The Art of Fermentation", by Sandor Katz. A great collection of knowledge on all things fermented. (and pickled).
11 years ago
A place where thought
can take its shape
as quietly in the mind
as water in a pitcher,
or a man can be
safely without thought.

See the day begin
and lean back,
a simple wakefulness filling
the spaces among the leaves.

Wendell Berry "The Thought of Something Else"
11 years ago
“Teaching is overemphasized in our society. Learning is the thing. Teaching doesn’t automatically result in learning. Learning requires love and desire, and when you have that, anything and everybody is a teacher.”

"As Harlan cranked away, grinding his breakfast wheat, I questioned him sharply about this. “Physical labor is not of itself repugnant,” he said. “Too much physical labor is repugnant. A moderate amount is fun. That’s why people who think they have escaped hard labor turn to jogging or some such waste of energy that is actually more tedious than farmwork. I think also that doing hard physical labor for someone else does become tedious. Doing the bidding of someone else is distasteful, whether the work is physically straining or not. The body wants to work but not as someone else’s slave. My work is pleasant and satisfying.”

"I try to conceive a life of more leisure, a condition which men have ever been trying to achieve by various means—by forcing slaves or captives in war to do their menial work, or by letting it devolve upon womenfolk, or by hiring servants and nowadays by innumerable machines and gadgets. This last solution allows everyone to play the master, but it is well known that machines are on the way to become masters of man."

Harlan Hubbard
11 years ago
From my understanding the varieties that will make good syrup are less suitable for seed production. Like others said, the syrup is a lot of work, much like maple syrup- has to be pressed, cooked, skimmed, etc. The mennonite communities here in KY use it a lot, they often have draft powered sorghum mills, and wood fired boilers. I'm not much of a fan of the syrup, and have little use for it with my cooking style. I have experimented with it as a chicken feed, and they do like it. It is easy to grow, and just cut and toss to the birds. Also I have cut just the tops, and it will produce a second smaller seed head in a single season. Much more successful than my corn through the last low rain summer.
11 years ago
"Home, where I can pause, remain silent. There is nothing to explain."

Terry Tempest Williams, Desert Quartet
11 years ago
I think Shackleton would be excited about anything after eating sled dog liver and bone marrow
11 years ago