Ellen van den Berg

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since Mar 16, 2012
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Recent posts by Ellen van den Berg

Does any one know if I can use the wood of a freshly cut down Jacaranda tree for Huegelkultur?
13 years ago
We had a horse show in town, and I have picked up the grass and manure they threw out of the stables, and composted with it. Works perfectly. As is is a lot, I'm still going from time to time to pick up some. I got a load 2 weeks ago, and the manure and gras have been laying on the pile at the stables now for 6 months. I fed a bunch to my worm farm (red wriggler wurms). They immediately came from down under to eat this lovely stuff and they thrive on it.

So it seems that it should just be properly aged and composted.
13 years ago
Hi Everybody,

this is my first post on this forum, and I am very excited about it!

I have a questionn and truly hope to get an answer.
I live in Namibia (Africa), and we are preparing for winter gardens now.
We have nice temps in winter during the day, but it can go well below 0 C in winter for just a few nights.

I am struggling to get info on preparing a garden bed the permie way fo root veggies.
What I see is that fertile soil will let the leaves grow more than the roots, or will let the carrots fork, which we don't really want.

We started permaculture gardens at our local schools last spring - September 2011, with beds made of sheet mulching, so they are now nicely composted, and now we want to plant the root veggies!

Can you please give some advice here?

13 years ago