Lisa Allen wrote:I have a TON of resources here:
However, I also want to show you the American Herbalist Guild's info:
Free stuff to get you started:
Susun Weed's Be Your Own Herbal Expert:
Or her Nourishing Infusions free course:
Reference- A Modern Herbal:
Botany: Start here:
Websites/Blogs I love:
Kiva Rose:
jim mcdonald:
yukkuri kame wrote:Once fluorine gets into the body, it can be detoxified using lugol's iodine solution. Iodine tends to displace, and detoxify other halides, which include fluoride, chloride, & bromide. Fluorides and chlorides are obviously common in municipal water supply. Bromide is used in flour, and is highly destructive to the thyroid - I believe one of the reasons many people do better on a wheat free diet, is they stop consuming bromide. Anyway, you want the halides out, and iodine is the key.
Debbie Marsh wrote:While taking some horticulture classes, we learned that the spider plants - commonly sold in hanging baskets - will die if given too much tap water. This is because they are more sensitive to flouride than most common houseplants. If you let tap water set, uncovered, for 24 hours, or more, both the chlorine and flouride dissipates.