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jeniffer cluff

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since Mar 28, 2012
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Recent posts by jeniffer cluff

Kelson Ozark wrote: burdock seeds soaked in oil for at least a month, pour mixture through cheesecloth, the resulting burdock infused oil encourages hair growth

interesting..must try
12 years ago
Two Things

I’m seriously thinking about getting a Fitbit Ultra to track how much I move in a day. Although I’m not currently doing any formal aerobic exercise due to my self-diagnosed plantar fasciitis, my job does require me to constantly be on my feet and moving for at least 8 hours a day, so I bet I rack up some miles.
I’ve been using minoxidil http://www.minoxidilhair.org/ for 13 months now and it’s definitely caused me to grow some hair new. I just don’t know if it’s worth continuing after my supply runs out in a few months. I’m tempted to shoot for the Jason Statham look instead…heck, he’s 10 months older than me, so why not?!
12 years ago
i was anemic person from my child time.
the doctor sad to me that Iron Deficiency is the most common blood disorder and it is caused by lack of iron.
Without a sufficient amount of iron the body can not produce enough hemoglobin.
I tried to use something that will help my body to produce more hemoglobin.
Almost all life of battle with anemia and it seems now i stopped to be anemic, my last researches was good.
All people who have same problem keep trying, never give up!

I tried many iron rich foods diets, and many supplements pills, but i figure that only good way is just organic rich iron foods are the best!
12 years ago