This is what I was thinking at the time I typed this, it could change with better facts.
permabuzz wrote:
Howdy, Everytime I go to give bloodI am low in iron and usually can not give. Totally bulking on iron + foods does not help.
Any thoughts?
Lisa Allen MH (AstroHerbalist)
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Tim Manning
"Forgive me if I never visit. I am from the fields, you know, and while quite at home with dandelion, make a sorry figure for the drawing room" ~Emily Dickinson
permabuzz wrote:
Howdy, Everytime I go to give bloodI am low in iron and usually can not give. Totally bulking on iron + foods does not help.
Any thoughts?
Sometimes the answer is not to cross an old bridge, nor to burn it, but to build a better bridge.
MaineAaron wrote:
Just a comment on cooking on cast iron. I LOVE my cast iron and am very particular about keeping seasoned (ie i never wash it with soap or abrasives), that seasoning keeps things like egg from sticking and makes it nicer to cook on, it also keeps it from leaching iron into the food, so if your trying to get some extra iron into your diet start scrubbing your cast iron with soap and abrasives and cooking acidic foods in them.
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It's time to get positive about negative thinking -Art Donnelly
Corin Royal Drummond wrote:Nettles are the premier herb for anemia. They're full of iron, minerals, B vitamins, and are 5% protein by weight. Drink with peppermint to make a tasty tea. One handful of dried leaves per liter of hot water, steeped 30 min and drunk within 24 hours.
Corin Royal Drummond
"Proper hormone balance: Nettle root that has been used in Germany for more than a decade to treat prostate enlargement, has been shown to reduce symptoms by 86% after 3 months of use. This effect has been confirmed by numerous supportive studies. Some chemical agents of nettle root are able to block the enzyme 5a-reductase, which is responsible for the formation of DHT from testosterone - the main villain involved in the development of male-pattern hair loss in men and stress-induced hair loss in women." - D'Adamo
This is what I was thinking at the time I typed this, it could change with better facts.
Kull Conquered wrote:Blackstrap Molasses is good, but you want vitamin C at the same time.
I would not use that much vinegar unless ulcers are your thing.
Your problem is more likely that your body is not absorbing enough, or even more likely, using iron to detox. Your regular diet may be making you lose all your iron.
Lisa Allen wrote:The herb highest in absorbable iron I know of is Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) root - and don't take with coffee since it would cancel. Nettle would also help, along with these suggestions - keep us posted! - homesteading supplies - homesteading supplies
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