Aschwin Wesselius

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since Apr 03, 2012
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I understand if people doubt my statement. At first it didn't sound right to me either. But now I've read a lot of people's comments about detoxing, diarrhea is a very common result. Even better, some people warn when there's no flush of the bowels when taking certain substances, there's something else wrong and you should work on that.

Ever had a lot of magnesium ingested? Like epsom salt, magnesium malate, a lot of dark chocolate or spinach, brocolli or the mentioned lettuce contain a lot of forms of magnesium. This is very good because the body needs much of this mineral. But a side-effect of too much (not dangerous) of magnesium is relaxation of the muscles and nerves. Magnesium is somewhat the core of chlorofyl.

The logic is, when people are infested/infected with a pathogen, the body wants to get rid of it too. When the body has enough nutrients to cope with the pathogen a detox reflex will occur.

We in the West think about symptoms to be unwanted, unnatural and we have to fight the symptoms (hence we have so much medication). But the body is a way more complex system and it is build to survive naturally. We don't need to fight symptoms that much as we think we do. The symptoms are results of the body already working from it's line of defenses (there are many).

Yes, when you've broken down your first couple of defenses by haven a poor diet, it's best to see the doctor or hospital for a quick remedy. But when you've got a strong immunesystem, you only have to feed that system with natural sources and nutrients and your body will work it out. Promised.

12 years ago
Hi William,

The same reaction occurs when someone takes a few chlorella pills. Is the chlorella infested with pathogens or is there something else going on?

Chlorella contains a lot of chlorofyl, the stuff that makes it green. This stuff is very healthy for your body. It triggers a lot of mechanisms in the body to fuel or to get rid of things.

Lettuce, when grown perfectly, contains also a lot of chlorofyl. If your bodies aren't used to it, it starts to work some things in your body.

What happens is your body wants to replace toxins in your body with the good, the healthy stuff. The body wants to get rid of the things it doesn't want to be there any longer. Some toxins can only leave the body with certain carriers to bind to, like heavy metals. Chlorella is used for this, to bind heavy metals to it, so it can be transported out of the body. This mechanism that is used is diarrhea. As long as you keep feeding it as much chlorofyl as needed to get rid of any toxins, you keep getting diarrhea. And that's OK. As long as you keep yourself hydrated that is.

I had series of chlorella and just for a few days, my stomach and bowels where upset. Not that heavy or realy unpleasant, but out of track a bit. After that, my body gained a lot more energy, a lot more rush and excitement. A good feeling and something that made the diarrhea forgotten in no time.

Your stomach, your bowelsystem, your lymphsystem, all these elements will get a detox by getting enough chlorofyl. So no worry, it's natural.

12 years ago

I'm sorry, I didn't see those symbols yet. That's exactly what I thought of. Symbols, colors, numbers are way more readable than text if you have to sort things out in your head.

I'm new to permaculture myself, so 'categories', 'groups', 'divisions', 'kinds' anyway how people name it to distinct one from another. I've no idea how that's called in permaculture.

These symbols are very clear to me.

12 years ago
Since you already made the effort to visualize the concept of permaculture and it's 'building blocks', you could take it one step further.

Because each plant, tree, animal and other object/element belongs to one or more category, it's maybe useful to add little colored dots on the cards.

With a good chart of the colors, it's easier to spot clusters of the same category or to make visable which category is missing in a certain area.

Knowing which plant, tree, animal or object/element belongs to which categor(y/ies) takes a steep learning curve. While using colored dots can make it fun to know which color belongs to which category. This way picking up the knowledge about the divisions is much easier and quicker.

Especially children like colors, numbers and other sorting methods to learn and play with.

12 years ago
I think it looks great and I also think it is very usable. Do you have multiple cards per plant so you can have them in several places?

I bet if you continue to extend these sets, they become a very great asset in developing gardens in general and in permaculture in particular. You should produce them and sell them. Honest.

12 years ago
If the jack, as used in the Peterson Press, is capable of 2 ton pressure (no idea how much that would be in bar), why not using 2 tubes and use a triangular shape to spread the force? I guess 2 ton is mostly used to lift a vehicle up. That would suffice to press more than 1 tube at a time?

BTW, here the guy is using a press to push the tube upwards.

While this one is using it the other way around, which is more practical I think.

Which one has preference and why?
12 years ago
Hi, this is my first reply on So forgive me if I break any unknown, undisclosed convention or anything.

I think the nettles are full of nitrogen. Nitrogen is very inflamable. I might be wrong, but it's my guess.
12 years ago