Rivenfae Wolf

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since May 20, 2012
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I'm a homesteading mom, in south eastern Missouri living life the way I chose to.  I've been through many things in my life and this is my newest chapter and I am hoping it will be a long drawn out novel.

btw... me and my partner use the yahoo account
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Recent posts by Rivenfae Wolf

I was wondering if anyone has given livestock Amaranth to them as feed and if so how does it do as a feed depending on the stock it's fed to. I'm planning on growing some soon and wondered if it'll do good in this manner.
11 years ago
I have seen 2 topics about raising pot bellied pigs here and I've looked at both. I'm about to get 5 of these guys in about 2 weeks. Two sows, one boar and a couple of young-uns. My questions come from the need for right now penning them verses pasturing them (I have to set up a pasture for them so they are going to be penned for now). About how much feed per pig, what would be the best feed if you need to pen them. When would it be good to swap out your sows?
11 years ago
I grow some wild edibles along with my vegetables, and while I know the "old fashioned" daylillies are edible are all the other varieties? I have a bunch of ornamentals to put in and I have a few non-old fashioned daylillies to put in and I wanted to know if I should keep an eye on them in case they are edible.
11 years ago
not at this time no as I still need a good container for my wood ash to go into.
11 years ago
Thanks, Thogh I am looking for something a bit more homemade.
11 years ago
I am looking around for a good grease cutting dish soap that I can make at home. I am already making my own laundry soap, but I'm tired of needing to buy dish soap; and I've become sensitive to a lot of bar/liquid soaps that for bathing/shower purposes I have had to go no soap. Unfortunately after both me and my partner spent years working in food service we both have a strong desire to have them so well cleaned that we need to use some kind of soap product on the dishes.

Any ideas?
12 years ago

Balint Bartuszek wrote:What part of the " Russian masonry heater" you want to include?

Perhaps the open-able flue short cut, may be of limited use. Or the long, in the wall flue, but that is just as much rmh as Russian heater. And while a box feeding is convenient to operate, is hard to do right.

the wall flue is what he was looking to incorporate into the RMH.
12 years ago

Joe Braxton wrote:If you think all RMH have J tubes, I'd point to this - Kind'a long, but worth it.


Looks to me like a proper masonry heater with a rocket core. What do you think?

Thanks! My partner is practically drooling over that link.
12 years ago
My partner was wondering if anyone has gone out and tried combining the good elements from both the rocket mass heater, and the Russian masonry heater (I hope I have the term right)? If so what was the out come. If not does anyone think they might work together? My partner wants to try combining the two, but as he has been looking online to see if anyone combined them before so he doesn't make any mistakes that could be avoided. As the house we are building is a dome which should be fairly easy to heat we don't want something that will "burn us out" of it.
12 years ago
I joined this site not that long ago and a few days back my fiancee's email got sent a message from "supposedly" a woman that found him through this site and wanted him to contact her. Now as there is only one account from my household here.. and it's mine.. the only way they got his email is because we share yahoo messenger.. so the person took his messenger id and sent an email. Has it happened to anyone else?
12 years ago