Jane Morel

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since Jun 11, 2012
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Recent posts by Jane Morel

Hi - This month I plan to WWOOF in Nova Scotia. Where can I find Permaculture farms that welcome WWOOfers? (Incl. Cape Breton) Merci! Jane
12 years ago
I have clipped pillows and duvets to the clothes line.

And..... What is the method for homemade laundry soap.?

12 years ago
Veggie roll ups. Create a slurry of veg in the same fashion as with fruit roll ups, smooth over parchment paper in the dehydrator.
12 years ago
Re: KALE CHIPS. Sprinkle with nutritional yeast and the nutty cheese flavour is a great complimentary taste.
12 years ago
This isn't my farm - the posting came across the Sustainable Maritimes list.


Eco-home for sale
CAD $165,000
Tignish, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Here is an opportunity to purchase a permaculture homestead, gardens (Mandala, Herb Spiral, forest garden), pasture and woodlands, 25 acres in total, just over 10 minutes walk to a fantastic beach! The 2 bed, 2 bath bungalow is incredibly cheap to run and easy on the environment with wood stove and wood cookstove, wood and solar hot water, wood and solar heating, passive solar design. We use just about 2 cords wood (coppiced from the woodlands) a year. We're still on-grid using about 4-5 kWh a day (monthly bills around $45).

Get all your fuel from the land! We grow and preserve most of our own vegetables, herbs and fruit and keep hens, ducks, goats, etc. There is a renovated old trailer, amazing huge outbuilding, equipment, furnishings and items required for preserving and cheese-making. We can teach you the skills you need if you wish, and everything is already here and in-place for a sustainable lifestyle in the woods and by the sea.

Many possibilities and very flexible for creating an income from the land. Currently running a craft business (seaglass and driftwood, one of the bedrooms is used as a craft shop) but also could be farm income and much potential for non-timber forest products including wild lowbush blueberries. Animals can be included with the property if needed -- eggs, fibre, etc.

See our website and contact us for more information and viewing: http://www.redsandcottage.net
12 years ago
@ john polk -
thanks .... by reefer, do you mean the interior of the fridge?
and ... a smoker - I will definitely look that up on the internet... great idea.
12 years ago
Are buttercups an indicator species? If so for what? What are the uses? I have several acres with which to work. Thanks!
12 years ago
I have an old Kelvinator. Can the motor be removed to be used in an ACCT or as a pond aeration system? If so how complicated is this process? thanks
12 years ago