i think the most valuable things in any kind of nightmare situ being discussed -- the most important things are not things, but internal circumstances.
inner strength, true empowerment -- power with, not power over -- focussing on the good for the whole, instead of oneself, a sense of inner security and inner peace, acceptance of even the most difficult things and willingness to keep on pushing through that.
also knowledge - all the sorts of things we talk about here - how to fish, how to build, how to forage, how to farm, etc etc theres a lot to know in this space. but this sort of stuff can lead to the above.
but this kind of knowledge is infinitely more valuable in these zombie apocalypse/SHTF/ EOTWAWKI scenarios, than a huge list of material things and supplies
also theres a weird kind of strength that comes from having lived through a bunch of sh!t and gotten through it. its not some....idealistic sense of strength, a naive type of strength, its much darker than that. its i got through all this sh!t -so bring it on universe - kinda of real strength.
in growing awareness -- there is a big shift i think that can happen for a person when they become more aware to what i will call "real reality" - and this can quickly spin a person into being really freaked out. we are spinning around in space on spaceship earth, a tumultuous super organism with immense beauty and power, and darkness and loss,life and death and the fear of losing your only bones. its both amazingly beautiful and terrifyingly horrible.
ah idk i just see thats part of the prepper phases people go through - i think it is set off by a growing in awareness. and that awareness brings up all the uncertainty and fear and really sinks in just how precarious this whole thing really is. especially for those who have lived very sheltered lives, they grow somewhat blind to certain realities, having not experienced them themselves, and just not being able to break out of whatever confines and comfort zones are presented, say if you grow up in the relative comfort of first world abundance and affluence especially.
so i try to have compassion for those who may be in those types of phases, because ultimately they are the ones being conned, IMO obviously, they are being wronged, being force fed all sort of harmful and regressive ideologies and dont question it. they parrot their brainwashing and dont question their privilege, and how acclimated they are as tame pets.
ok i may be on the verge of ruffling some feathers here, but this is how i see things. people are taught wrong, with bad programming,
society values the wrong things, and turns people into borderline sociopaths, and thats all been normalized with so many false narratives. theres a bug in the code of eurocentric civilations, the ideaologies which have been handed down to us, the default operating system of the collective culture!
breaking free from that stuff, if you start hacking the code, hacking your own brain! i think this leads to growing awareness, and though not all lessons need to come from pain and loss and being without, there are very valuable and harsh lessons that can bring greater and greater awareness, and this about where youre average prepper is at- in their expanding awareness, they go through a huge fear response to this....seeing beyond the comfy confines of being sheltered and indoctrinated into these unhealthy cultures.
but the trick is to keep growing through that -- to get beyond that where youve sort of accepted it, as much as it can be accepted -- that all sorts of crazy difficult things can and will happen and theres very little you can do about it as tiny little speck of beingness- -- just try to do the best you can in your little way, inch along and gain skills, be good family to the extended family of not just the human community even with all of its dysfunction and darkness, but the greater super organism and all the beings that make up that super organism.