I'm into taking the trains, its one of my main, if not main way of transport especially if theres distance involved.
i just travelled from upstate new york in albany to san fransico by train just before christmas. i did that same long trip the year before as i have been hiding out from winter in nor cal, and splitting my time between cali and upstate new york.
I have a good friend who is super into trains, we travelled around new england a lot we he came to visit me and he was super into stopping at all these old train stations and even train museums.
i must admit - i am not that into that aspect =)
i dont have much romantic or whatevcer we call it about trains or train stations. i suppose i appreciate them from the architectural aspect, theres some cool old timey archictecture in old tran stations, but yeah not really want to go tour all of them. a lot of them are falling apart too, so its just kinda sad, although maybe a nice kind of sad, nostalgia.
they are more practical useful tools, to me, and i do enjoy the train for being able to walk around and socialize with all sorts of people you wont normally cross paths with.
i love stopping in all the cities and wandering around. actually i wish they would do that more. more breaks, longer breaks. i know it would make long trips longer, but thats already that way. anyone who wants to get there fast takes a plane already! the people on the train are usually ok with it taking a while, so why not have more getting off the train and longer breaks.
this last trip i particularly enjoyed denver, colorado, thats always a big break, i think i wandered around most of the day, some 6-7 hours in colorado. it was pretty cold! but still, what a nice station and town =), and i loved getting off by that point and wandering as i had been on the train for 2 days at that point.
but yeah i have a close friend who is a train buff, he bought a really cheap piece of land in the berkshires, it used to be a train station once upon a time long ago. i camped out there a few times, the trains go by a few times in the middle of the night, so even though its this epic spot of forest and a little creek, its super loud the ten times a day they go by.
but it suits him i suppose, he likes to watch the trains go by and speculate how much and what they are carrying as freight trains are huge and important in new england, as far as getting consumer goods, mail, and some of them carry huge tanks of oil and gas. new englands early growth was entirely dominated by the train system, and its where all the cities popped up. my friend does think about whether he could get it to be a station again, or somewhere nearby, those old defunct new england train stations, functioning again and have stops.
it would mean a huge bonus for a lot of those tiny new england towns, many are really poor counties. not that far from my friends land, and i used to have relatives living in that area, theres a town called chester mass, they have been trying for a long time to get the amtrak that goes through twice a day stop there.
it would revitalize their town a lot. its a neat tiny town already, but the economy there isnt great. well one of the reasons i actually like it, this area can be much much cheaper than most of mass.- but i see the towns arent doing that well, from a strictly financial POV.
maybe in part growing up in massachusetts, which has extensive public transportation everywhere, i kinda take them for granted a bit, or just dont romanticize them. well, they are cool.
i can imagine back in the day, it mustve been even cooler, more room and people could get their own cars if they were wealthy, and hitch them onto trains to get around with their own train camper/ homestead on wheels.
like duke ellington did back in the day -- i've wondered if that could be a thing. i would love to see a musician take up like a train tour...someone whos a big name could make that a thing, with everybody hopping on the train as it goes along a tour or something. for a true sustainable transportation to and from their concerts.
and i miss that aspect of mass. i wish everywhere is like that, the west coast is the worst for public transport and it was a big culture shock when i first moved here some decades ago.
you can take a train all around mass, and in the cities a lot of people skip cars entirely, because they are hard to park and the roads are kinda messed up, what with these narrow old roads and so many one ways and weird old infrastructure.
hardly no one has a car in boston, everyone just uses the subway, or a commuter train/ bus hybrid. and then theres lots of park and rides for free parking your car, if you have one. its more of an optional thing in mass than most everywhere else in the country. i myself didnt learn to drive until i was 26 or so, when i first moved to washington state, when i started living in the woods and there was no public transport.
except in the western parts of mass, and further north and east in new england, the public transportation options are less and less, even the small towns dont operate public transport and theres no uber or taxis even.
but amtrak has become not as much fun as it was even back in my early days. like you used to be able to smoke and party and hang out getting drunk in the social spaces on the car, in the lounges and such. i know these are not most peoples priorities, but i dont see why amtrak shut down that vibe, at least for those that want that, one party car =) like it used to be when i was young.
a couple of times i would take the train down to new orleans for mardi gras, that trains social party spaces were like a continuation of the carnival aspect of mardi gras, back in those days.
they can separate out the cars too, so whoever wants that can go there, play some poker or get sloshed, and anyone who doesnt want that can just avoid that car or whatever.
amtrak has...changed a lot...but i think they might get more takers if they bring back the fun and loosen up a bit.
now its all buttoned up and theyre much more stiff.
actually this is a big item on my wish list for looking for land. i have been looking for a long time, settled on a for now deal at my place in new york, extremely rural, no public transport...but still looking.
for the place i want to really settle in, proximity to amtrak is one of my main priorities. and / or a functional public transport system of some kind, buses and trains. its hard to find, but being within a short distance to amtrak/ or a bus that goes to amtrak is one of the things that i think is a major bonus for where ever i want to move in the northeast.
i dont do a lot of short distance travel at all, when i travel its almost always far distance- to me having a train station fairly near by is like i can get anywhere from that i want to go, as long as the first step to getting to the station is easy. to me california to new york is "walking distance" sort of - if theres a train station close enough. or even new york to mass, or just about anywhere. having a train station nearby, walking distance (or rather scooter distance now that ive been using a scooter for transport) to a train station, to me - is walking distance to the rest of the country =).
in that i have considered some towns like - whitehall new york, somewhere around the vermonter stops, and recently been looking into glens falls, and what looks like a cool train station in fort edward, that doubles as a bike shop and has two major amtrak train lines through it.
it also connects to the major bike trail that runs through the entirety of upstate new york, which its an interesting nexus for non car travellers and people who are really into bikes and trains.
people can take the amtrak there and then rent a bike to go on the huge statewide bike trail. tour it all without a car. its quite a gorgeous trail going through that part of the country, a lot of is not even on the road, it goes off into the woods along the major rivers, running parallel to the road but much safer.
actually thats worth looking up a link, maybe more states and stations or even amtrak will consider these ideas --
the empire state trails --
as it does seem through some co indinating efforts of bike enthusiasts, they have created a little income and tourists through creating the empire state bike trail that goes through some beautiful countryside, connecting that to several rail stops - although fort edward is the only one i know of that has put the bike shop right in the old train station...and can allow people to do long distance tourist travel without cars at all.