Jennifer Albanese

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since Jul 27, 2012
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I highly encourage everyone to check out there is a book you can buy to tell you how to analyze, balance and remineralize your soil along the same lines as this video. It has been enormously helpful to me.
So glad you said that, Eric, about the dynamic accumulators. In addition to adding compost to my garden and planting accumulators, I have been testing the soil and remineralizing it based on what it needs to be balanced. Part of me felt like I was cheating on permaculture, but once the soil is in a more balanced state, optimized for growing particular plants, and you recycle your waste back into the system, the amount of input decreases over time. Some soils simply do not have the minerals to mine in the first place. Do you remineralize or recommend to do so?
12 years ago
As for mold, even scraping it off does not always work. It can be a sign that your kraut is going bad. I kept letting mine ferment, scraping the mold, cleaning the weight, etc. But then a putrid smell started coming from the kraut. If it smells BAD, do not eat it. I lost a whole crock of my homegrown cabbage. Supposedly Harsch and Pickle-it fermenting containers prevent this from happening. If anyone knows what I did wrong, please let me know. Does temperature have anything to do with it? I was fermenting during that crazy heat spell and living without A/C that means my house was probably 100 degrees!
12 years ago