Hamish Gale

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since Aug 04, 2012
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Recent posts by Hamish Gale

Good luck with your search mate. I'm in a similar situation so I have also posted to this forum to see where it leads me. So hard to find a nice lady to homestead with. Hamish (near Goondiwindi on the Qld NSW border)
12 years ago
Hi there,

About 4 years ago I gave up my corporate lifestyle and moved from the Gold Coast, Australia about 4 hours West and started a Permaculture homestead on the NSW QLD border near the beautiful town of Goondiwindi.

I have so much already set up and I really love my little part if the world, but unfortunately I cannot seem to meet a like minded female to share my life with.

I love kids and while I don't have any of my own I would be very accepting of yours

If you you would like to chat just leave me a message and let's see what happens

12 years ago