josh koppen

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since Aug 05, 2012
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Recent posts by josh koppen

Green Triangle (a Cleveland non-profit) with support from Cuyahoga Arts & Culture is hosting a screening and discussion with the film maker of Inhabit; a permaculture perspective.  It will take place on January the 28th at 6:30.
Tickets are $10 and are available at

Space is limited, so get your tickets soon

8 years ago
Hi Steve,

We have a small nonprofit in Cleveland that is doing permaculture education. Its called Green Triangle and we have a website and facebook page.  We are hosting a film screening of Inhabit on Jan. 28th and would be a fine chance to meet some local folks doing this work.  Feel free to email me with any questions,

Look forward to hearing about what you have going on.

8 years ago
Hi folks,

We will have the accomplished designer and author Ben Falk in our neck of the woods for some great educational events.
Please check out our facebook page for more information.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Josh Koppen
Green Triangle board president
9 years ago

Green Triangle is thrilled to announce our Winter/Spring 2015 Permaculture Design Certification Course (PDC) held over 7 weekends between February 14 and April 19. PDC's offer an intensive, introduction to core permaculture principles and practical techniques for restoring damaged ecosystems and building social and economic stability in our communities. Based in Cleveland, OH, this PDC has a unique focus on social systems and urban permaculture alongside the core PDC curriculum.

We invite you to come on board as a student, and spread the word about the course to anyone you know who might be interested. More information is available at


10 years ago

Hi Fellow Nature lovers,

We are hosting a fun one day event, on September 21st from 7am to 7pm. Please see below for details, and feel free to share widely.

George Jones Farm BioBlitz 2014, hosted by the New Agrarian Center and Green Triangle

Calling all Friends, Colleagues, Biologists, Naturalists, Specialists, Horticulturists, Environmental Scientists, Citizen Scientists, Permaculturists and other interested folks! The New Agrarian Center ( and Green Triangle are hosting a BioBlitz at George Jones Farm in Oberlin, Ohio on Sunday, September 21 from 7 am – 7 pm and WE NEED YOUR HELP AND PARTICIPATION!

WHAT: A BioBlitz is a unique, fun way to document as many species as possible that utilize a particular property. People of various skill levels and sets (formally trained scientists and the general public) come together to observe and record what species of plants and animals (i.e. the local biodiversity) are located at the Farm. Although the goal is serious, the atmosphere is relaxed and enjoyable – an excuse to explore a new property and spend the day celebrating nature!

WHERE: George Jones Farm (GJF) is located at 44333 State Route 511, just east of Oberlin, Ohio. Since 2000, GJF has been managed and protected through a collaboration between the New Agrarian Center and Oberlin College. The site (~70 acres in total) has many diverse habitats including: farmland in production, wetlands, ponds, woodlands, vernal ponds and old fields. Also located on-site are many examples of natural building, greenhouses and even Oberlin College’s research ponds!

WHY: Knowing what biodiversity exists at the George Jones Farm provides baseline data that can help track the success of management initiatives in the future. Even more exciting is the chance to document rare species and uncommon habitats! This information can help guide future activities at the Farm, as well as help secure funding for special projects.WHO: YOU, experts and the general public commit to joining our team for the day (or at least a part of the day). Spread the word far and wide and invite your friends! The more the merrier when it comes to a BioBlitz!

WHEN: Sunday, September 21, 2014 from 7 am – 7 pm (and anywhere in between!)

HOW: You’ll pick your favorite field of study and start searching with other folks that are interested in the same thing! Here are the areas we are looking for volunteers to help out with, but if you another interest, just let us know and we can try to accommodate you. Or choose as many as you like!

-Herbaceous vegetation
-Wetland vegetation
-Aquatic macroinvertebrates

WHAT TO BRING: Hiking boots; waterproof boots; appropriate clothes for the weather; sunscreen; bug spray; water bottle; binoculars; field guides; any special equipment you might need to find your target species (i.e. nets for insects or fish); digital camera to record cool stuff

WHAT WE WILL HAVE FOR YOU: A hearty THANK YOU, of course! We will provide groups in each area of study with maps, clipboards, pens and extra field guides to borrow (if available). There is a composting toilet on-site for bathroom breaks. We will have snacks and drinks available to you throughout the day and will build some campfires to warm up next to or to throw some food onto if you desire.

WHAT SHOULD YOU DO NEXT: Please RSVP by SEPTEMBER 14, 2014 (with BioBlitz in the Subject Line) to (Lara is a board member of Green Triangle) with your name, institution (if applicable), area of interest (what do you want to search for at the Farm), number of people coming with you, and your estimated time of arrival. we are looking forward to hearing from you soon!

QUESTIONS?: Email Lara at

Directions to George Jones Farm can be found at

Thanks and hope to see you there,
Josh Koppen
Green Triangle board president
10 years ago

Hi Jeff,

Our non-profit Green Triangle is bringing permaculture education to Cleveland. Presently we are putting on a PDC over 6 weekends this fall. There is housing available for out of towners and we've been actively seeking scholarship funds. The sign up deadline has been extended to this coming Monday the 27th. Please check out our website ( for more information. Lastly, we are constantly putting together workshops and skillshares throughout the year, so please keep an eye out for our happenings, which maybe easiest by following our Facebook page.


PS, If you are still looking for nurseries let me know. I believe I've some good listings for the Toledo area.

Jeff Wesolowski wrote:Anybody in the midwest, i.e. ohio or michigan area that can recommend nurseries, books, DVD,s, or classes for this area? I have an acre that I would like to start permaculture and I'm feeling anxious that fall is such a great time to get started with this and I don't have any good local resources located so far. Thanks

12 years ago
Hey Permies!

We've extended our deadline to Monday the 27th. And are hoping to fill our class to capacity. So please pass on the word, sign up, or help with some much needed scholarship funds. There is housing available for folks from out of town. Join us in bringing permaculture's restorative qualities to the urban rust belt.

Thanks and good luck!

josh koppen wrote:
We are proud and excited to bring our second permaculture design certification course to good old Cleveland, Ohio.
Please check out our website "" for more information. We are also seeking donations for scholarships to allow for a wider range of students.
Lastly, feel free to pass along the word to anyone you'd like.

Organized by Green Triangle and the Center for Ecological Culture.
Cleveland Permaculture Design Certification Course
6 Weekends: September 8 - November 4, 2012 (84 Hours of Instruction)
With instructors Peter Bane, Josh Beniston, Mark Cohen and local guests.

12 years ago

We are proud and excited to bring our second permaculture design certification course to good old Cleveland, Ohio.
Please check out our website "" for more information. We are also seeking donations for scholarships to allow for a wider range of students.
Lastly, feel free to pass along the word to anyone you'd like.

Organized by Green Triangle and the Center for Ecological Culture.
Cleveland Permaculture Design Certification Course
6 Weekends: September 8 - November 4, 2012 (84 Hours of Instruction)
With instructors Peter Bane, Josh Beniston, Mark Cohen and local guests.
12 years ago