I ran into a whole group of medical issues at the beginning of the year, mostly around my Rheumatoid arthritis, so made wholesale life style changes.
After dropping grains and legumes, I looked to WAP and decided to try raw milk. I looked around at the local dairy farms that were available to choose from, and decided after finding my Jersey cow farm, that I liked what I saw, and heard from the owners. They only have 15 cows, well, now 4 new wee ones this summer,and when I asked about how many they were milking back then, I was told only 5 were being milked, and that 4 were pregnant. They have quite an age range, up into the 20's if I heard correctly. In the factory farms, as I understand it, they keep the cows pregnant, and when they wear out at about 2 to 3 years old, they become hamburger.
I also can go anytime to watch the milking process, with limited cows, they do a good job of cleaning, and drying the teats off before attaching the milking equiptment. They also have a great older cooler, so safety is a high priority. The owners have about a dozen grandchildren, and I am one of less than 2 dozen customers, so it is a small scale farm, just what I was looking for.
After I lost 20 pounds, my wife suddenly became interested in my new diet/life style, and agreed to come to the farm and check it out. She is a city girl, and although she doesn't join me in scratching the cow and goats heads, she did start drinking raw milk, and eating my home made raw milk kefir, ice cream and yogurt.
I hope my story gives some tips on finding the right farm for you, I would not want to even consider buying milk again from a retail store.