Kim Andrews

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since Aug 07, 2012
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Hi Ann, that's a very relevant point. I started at an ideal weight for me, neither needing to gain or lose. I may have only gained 5 pounds, but that is actually a lot for just 2 months, especially if the trend continued. And it does make a noticeable and unwelcome difference in how my clothes fit.

Thanks for the your comments, too, Sarah. I actually enjoy exercise, but have had a knee issue that has prevented me from my normal routine for the last couple of weeks; of course that isn't helping matters any. Maybe I just need to give things a little more time; I do seem to crave some of the fats, so maybe my body needs that for now. I even find myself wanting more than 1 teaspoon of cinnamon-flavored high-ft butter and cod liver oil!

12 years ago
I've cut out processed carbs with an occasional exception, but really I didn't eat a lot of those before anyway. I have been eating brown rice, quinoa, beans etc. (all prepared properly) as a means to stretch the food budget. I also eat veggies and some fruit. Plenty of protein as well, and I try to have broth a couple of times a day.
12 years ago
I'd LOVE to win the WAPF conference registration as I'm still fighting some annoyingly persistent fatigue issues. I'd like to learn more and share the info with friends and family who need to know how much what we eat impacts our health and well-bieng.
12 years ago
I've new to WAPF and have been eating (mostly) per their recommendations for about 2 months now. I'm really enjoying raw milk, real butter, etc. but I notice my clothes are feeling a bit tight. I don't think I've been eating much more than normal and my exercise patterns haven't really changed. Do I need to adjust how much I eat to compensate for the higher calorie and fat levels I'm consuming?
12 years ago