Warren Nerraw

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since Aug 25, 2012
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Recent posts by Warren Nerraw

I don't make it but I eat it. My wife is Filipino.
2 months ago
Just wanted to say thanks for the access to the video!
8 years ago
Never got email number two. I use outlook for Android.
As midnight approaches, a serenade. Close your eyes and dream your life away.

11 years ago
I would suggest a Volvo 745 or 945. Both are wagons and can easily pull a trailer. They can be had for a few thousand dollars, in great shape, or less. They are simple to repair(Redblock 4 cylinder) and parts are pretty cheap. Support groups like the Swedish Bricks e-mail list are very active and helpful.
11 years ago
A word of caution regarding sandblasting, depending on the sandblaster size and experience level of the operator, a flat piece of sheet metal can be made into a "Pringle" shaped disaster due to the heat(friction) involved produced by the air pressure/volume of sand. Proceed with caution. I'd use a scraper to get the heavy stuff off and follow up with a coarse Scotch Brite Pad. Maybe soak it in a Coke bath for a day.
12 years ago