kevin downs

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since Sep 03, 2012
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Recent posts by kevin downs

I have found some oyster, lions mane, and eastern califlower mushrooms and would like to use these to grow more at home. I believe I saw somewhere before where someone used the stems to grow more mushrooms. Any simple videos anywhere to use. I understand it's not very likely I can reproduce the califlower mushroom.
9 years ago
I have recently made a few mushroom logs and I have some plugs left over of different mushrooms... shitake, maitake, pearl oyster, etc.. Can I use plugs of different varieties on the same log? I am guessing not, but I wanted to double check first. Thanks.
11 years ago
I have been trying to find a source for ulluco but have come up empty. I was hoping one of you may have a source. I have never tried it and would like to give it a try this year.
11 years ago
I am looking for a source for Bilberry Plants.. I have found several for seeds but nothing for plants. I understand these are fairly hard to germinate. There are several other plants that are called bilberry, but I am actually looking for Vaccinium myrtillus. Hartmann's used to have them but I don't see them listed anymore.

12 years ago
Ok.. with the link you sent and a little digging it appears this is probably a Bitternut Hickory. Thanks for your help.
12 years ago
I ran across this while hiking in the Smokies last week. Any idea what it is? I believe it is to small to be a hickory.

12 years ago
You can find survey levels on ebay for $30 bucks or less. Find/make some tripod legs. It is just so much easier, especially when you have slopes, mounds, etc with a level. If you don't want to buy a level rod just get a 2 x 2 and a old measuring tape. It just makes things so much easier and quicker.
12 years ago
I have an area I am getting ready to start a permaculture garden but I am not quiet ready to start planting (I want to do it this fall). I have been given a good price on goumi, serviceberry, and chokeberry but they have a very limited supply. Would I be ok buying some storage bins, drilling holes in the bottom, filing with soil, peat moss, and potting soil and planting these in it for 2-3 months? Later this fall when I have finished planning and organizing my plans I can move them to their final location. I would need to leave the containers outdoors so if the weather drops I will insulate the containers.
12 years ago
I believe it is recommended to start morels in the fall, but are there others? This will be my first year trying mushrooms and I am planning on trying several edible mushrooms this spring. Thanks for your help.
12 years ago