Hey Paul wouldn it be worth it or manageable to start a forum category that might allow for some more conflict . Not horrible races ranting and general vulgarity but a category that you might just needs some thicker skin to be in . I understand that this is your forum but would you agree that some healthy conflict is helpful to certain individuals who like to communicate in this way and if there's a place that we can do it that it doesn't affect everybody else and that might work ? Could your moderators Just send a particular thread over to thick skin category if it seems like it's getting too intense ? This is just a thought but I know that there's a lot of people out there on this form like me that like to communicate with a bit of sharpness because it feels good to our intellect to be a straightforward and possibly clever witty/small job this is just a thought but I know that there's a lot of people out there on this form like me that like to communicate with a bit of sharpness because it feels good to our intellect to be a straightforward and possibly clever witty. But in general don't really love nicely nicely and prefer a little salt and our wounds.
Apologize for the grammar I'm dictating into my phone as I drive