Melisha Knutzer

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since Sep 17, 2012
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Recent posts by Melisha Knutzer

Thank you i was wondering about arkansas. I have googled a few real estate listings and it is beautiful with plentiful hunting and abundance of water. And the prices are very reasonable. How many acres do i need to be lookig for? Like i said for now it is just my daughter and i, lol two girls, but i am also preparing for family. Probably 8-12 total, if my older brother decides to bring his family along. Maybe i can check out a cave.....
12 years ago
Wow, thank you so much. Starting out it will likely be just my daughter and I. I havn't quite convinced everyone else to move, but looks like if they want to survive they may not have a choice, and well family is family. I will let them in;) I have been a single mother for eight years raised two others who have flown the coop so to speak. Now just us two, and I am preparing. Any special areas would be great, we are looking for a camper that I can attach solar panels to. Need to be near a river;) or spring. Anyway, any ideas and advice would be GREATLY appreciated!
12 years ago
I am looking to purchase land for homesteading 8 people. I was told in Texas as long as you owned over 10 acres you could pretty much do what you want, ie bury deceased, grow food, farm livestock. We pretty much want to be self sufficient without being bothered too much by the "government" Can anyone tell me if this same thing is true in Arkansas, Colorado, Wyoming or Oklahoma?
Thank you:)
12 years ago