jessica jansen

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since Sep 18, 2012
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Recent posts by jessica jansen

we are moving abput 30 miles east of rapid city. closest town is hurford. we are going to transform a shipping container into a home right away, incenerating toilet, and yes we understand winter is right around the corner. my husband use to drive a semi from illinois to rapid every week for 5 years.
12 years ago
we will be relocating to south dakota next month to build a csa and i just wondered if someone could point me in the right direction for resources in that area for renewable energy, codes, ect. thanks
12 years ago
we bought property in north west south dakota, rural of course. but it seems there is a bunch of permits to go through even to build an eco-friendly farm. oh and dont forget the codes. whats a girl to do? we hate giving the government money to do stuff on our own property. ::
12 years ago