Nick Kitchener

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since Sep 24, 2012
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Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
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Recent posts by Nick Kitchener

Hi there,

Does anyone grow the hardy perennial  known as Persian shallots (allium stipitatum)?

It happens to contain a useful medicinal and I'm trying to track down where I can get some to start growing them.
1 month ago
I happen to be looking into building an intentional community with a twist.

This community is designed to serve as an ecosystem connected to a billionaire bunker post SHTF.

It addresses many weaknesses inherent in traditional approaches. Like how to prevent your security force from turning on you when it actually happens.

Looking for high net worth individuals to take on such a project.
3 years isn't very long from nature's perspective. I have acidic clay soil in zone 3. 3 year's in adding 1 ft of leaves every year and the soil is starting to show signs of improvement.

1 ft of leaves lasts about 3 months in the summer. It seems to just evaporate. Even thick oak leaves just vanish I can't believe it.

I thought they blew away so in August I put a foot of oak leaves down and covered it with straw in a particularly bothersome bed so that the wind can't possibly take it. 2 months later there is bare soil in maybe half the bed.
1 year ago

Nancy Reading wrote:Well that would explain why your amendments don't seem to have made a difference!

If it is helpful, you can make your own pH indicator with red cabbage. Just make sure you use distilled water with your samples, or the water pH will obscure your results (ask me how I know!). Here is some instructions:

what is my soil pH


Ah snap! You beat me to it LOL.
1 year ago
That's why it's important to be active in your community as a food security person or whatever. It communicates to the preppers that you are also on their team in a supportive way.

I'm not into the guns, but the person in my neighborhood who is, will know who I am, and connect with me early on.
1 year ago
Many kelp varieties contain a lot of growth hormone and other biological stimulants that can activate dormant seeds and get really old seeds going.

The trick is getting them inside the seed, and that is achieved by using an organic acid. Humic acids like fulvic acid is the typical one.

You can find prepared solutions to purchase or make it yourself if you have the ingredients.
1 year ago
Anyone looking to purchase plans or services for geodesic greenhouses, be aware of a particular outfit called Trillium Domes in Washington State.

They bought multiple sets of plans from a man in the UK, then started selling the exact same plans online. They have an active social media marketing strategy and pretend that these designs are their own.

There are a lot of hard working folks in Permies who know what it's like to have your creative works stolen from you. Please don't enable this individual by supporting their business.

Here is the original creator providing evidence of his claims:
1 year ago
You will need some equipment for thinning the hides. It shaves off excess skin so that the thickness is uniform and the desired thickness for whatever purpose it's intended for.

You will also need some equipment for breaking the hides in. You do not want to be doing that by hand as a business.

You'll probably want to get some equipment for fleshing and dehairing as well. It's a ton of work with a hand fleshing tool and too time consuming if you're making a business out of it.
1 year ago
It irritates me that people do this diet or that diet and stick to it because of this and that, ignoring the message their body is telling them.

Trust your body people. If you go vegan and your body tells you that you are going to die if you keep doing that, then stop. Same deal with paleo or any other "back to basics" diet.

Human cells are outnumbered 10 to 1 inside what you consider to be your body.  Be mindful of that, and listen to what the 90% have to say.
2 years ago

John F Dean wrote:I generally agree with the above post. But the devil is in the details.  When you say feed …do you mean hay or grain?

I actually asked ChatGPT and this is the answer it gave me LOL.
Since a cow typically eats roughly 1,000lb of hay per month in the winter, I'm thinking the AI was referring to grain feed.
2 years ago