Kara May

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since Sep 30, 2012
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I have 2 kids 6 and 2 and I have been dreaming of having my own farm for as long as I can remember I wish my kids could grow up on a farm. My 6 year old goes to a Waldorf school now. But we have home schooled him up to this point and when we finally get our farm we probably will again. Does anyone know a place where we might be able to stay on a farm to learn how to care for livestock and help out for a few years? (My son goes to school in western mass). It doesn't seem like most farms are interested in having children. My kids love animals and helping out on the Hawthorn Valley Farm (organic & bio-dynamic). We are hard workers!
12 years ago
Hello, are you still looking for people to come help out on your farm? I have experience with herbal medicine, organic and bio-dynamic gardening, raising chickens, some beekeeping, some architecture and construction and marketing, advertising. I also sew, knit (I would love to raise sheep for wool) cook, bake, can and preserve food (jams, pickles, sauerkraut) and homeschool my 6 and 2 year old. I would love to homeschool any other children who might live on your farm. I also do yoga and can teach yoga to children and beginners. Pleae let me know if you are still looking. Thank you.
12 years ago
Hello, are you still looking for people to come help out on your farm? I have experience with herbal medicine, organic and bio-dynamic gardening, raising chickens, some beekeeping, some architecture and construction and marketing, advertising. I also sew, knit (I would love to raise sheep for wool) cook, bake, can and preserve food (jams, pickles, sauerkraut) and homeschool my 6 and 2 year old. I would love to homeschool any other children who might live on your farm. I also do yoga and can teach yoga to children and beginners. Pleae let me know if you are still looking. Thank you.
12 years ago
Hello, I am interested in helping out on your farm I have experience with organic and bio-dynamic gardening, seed starting, and raising chickens as well as some minor architecture work, construction and advertising/ marketing. I have a 6 year old son and a 2 year old daughter who share a bedroom with me. Please let me know if you are still looking for someone. Thank you.
12 years ago