Ryan Maguire

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since Oct 09, 2012
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Recent posts by Ryan Maguire

Thank you to both Tong Xin and Jena Wang for sharing information, pictures, and a video of your place that you call The Second Home. I like the concept that you have outlined for the community and I like how everyone has a vital role to play. May I ask, how will you be expanding branches to other parts of the world? I hope you will continue sharing wonderful pictures and videos as it has put a smile on my face.

12 years ago
I have not used shampoo in about six months. At first it was a bit rough, my hair went through a period of having dandruff I believe. Then it became really dry, almost frizzy-like. So I switched to using conditioner only for once a week and ever since then things have been great. My hair feels silky smooth and doesn't feel greasy or anything like what some people would believe.
12 years ago
Hi all,

I am from Ontario, Canada. I am a young gentleman, just recently graduated college. For many years now I have been doing research on permaculture, homesteading, composting, and many other things that interest me. One day I would love to live out in the country and do what I like or what interests me, since we are so limited in the big city. We aren't allowed to have anything but grass in our front yard which saddens me.

For now with no money and still contemplating university I will have to suffice with small hobbies at my home in the city.. like vermicomposting, container gardening, and other hobbies like soap making. I have been lurking these forums and a few others for a long time and decided to join.

So nice to meet you all !!

12 years ago