Ryan Maguire wrote:Thank you to both Tong Xin and Jena Wang for sharing information, pictures, and a video of your place that you call The Second Home. I like the concept that you have outlined for the community and I like how everyone has a vital role to play. May I ask, how will you be expanding branches to other parts of the world? I hope you will continue sharing wonderful pictures and videos as it has put a smile on my face.
Hi Ryan, nice to see you! We're really glad you that like these pictures and video. Yes you're quite right, everyone in our community is important, there is no classes in our community, like people who are in charge of management, people who are richer, people who only do the mental job not manual job, this will never happen in our community. Everybody is the host or hostess of our home and the director of each branch is just an arranger for the working. He/She must first be a laborer, who is diligent and humble
enough and has the spirit of serving the home wholeheartedly,so he/she isn't like a leader, but a server for the home.
You mentioned if we'll expand our branch to other countries, yes we have a plan of set up 256 branches of Home without Marriage and Family throughout the world, this has been in the plan from the begining of the foundation of Lifechanyuan since 2003. In each main countries there will be at least 2 branches. So in the future the life will be full of fun that you can change the branches all over the world! Isn't that exciting? Actually we have received some invitation from abroad recently, and we're keep in touch with them. While because of the possible earth transition around the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, the earliest time of this will be July,2013. (We've paid attention to this for years and is doing preparation all the time.)
Thank you Ryan, for your friendly post and the question, I'm very happy and grateful to communicate with you here.Sure we'd like to share photos and videos more and you can visit our community and forum website to see more details too:
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