Raymond Reichart

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since Oct 11, 2012
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Recent posts by Raymond Reichart

Hi Rick,

I accidentally post under Jeff's account earlier, we work together. You can find the reusable lids @ http://www.reusablecanninglids.com/
12 years ago
I find bitcoin to be a nice alterative, small allocations, to saving in "Fiat Currencies". I have a small position in a bitcoin mining company called Havelock Investments. A share currently costs around $170 USD and pays a 17% APR. The bitcoin concept is fascinating and a slap in the face to today’s financial repression.




12 years ago

I am also new here. From near the Bloomsburg area. Jeff Roan and I are freinds and work together. Some of my current permie projects include gardening, composting, canning, dehydrating and soon possibly aquaculture. Nice to see some fellow permies in NE PA. Hopefully there are some others out there.
12 years ago